CCNA Exam Information And Overview

2024-01-17 12:12:05 SPOTO Club CCNA 1076
Introduction So you have decided to pursue the CCNA certification considering it as the right path for you. The next step, even before you would be beginning to study, is to understand what would be required of you to gain CCNA-certified. Therefore, in this article, we would be looking at the CCNA certification exam in detail. Also, you should check out the courses offered at the SPOTO Club, to ensure success in achieving the CCNA Certification. Before we continue, I would like to point out that there are two ways of being certified with CCNA:
  1.    Passing one exam – CCNA Composite - The current exam number is 200-125 CCNA.
  2.    Passing two exams – ICND1 and ICND2. The current exam numbers are 100-105 and 200-105.
People would be having a different perspective on which route to take. If you wouldn’t have any networking experience, you might want to take the step-by-step approach, i.e. ICND1 and then ICND2. However, if you are having some experience in networking or you wish to recertify, you should go for the CCNA Composite exam, which is considered to be more advanced, and much more challenging than the individual exams. On the other hand, it might be more time-saving for preparing for only one exam rather than two individual exams. If your will is strong enough, and if you conceivably have a time restriction, perhaps you should consider going for the CCNA Composite exam all in one go. How Many Questions would be there in the CCNA Certification Exam? How Long Do You Have for the Completion of the Exam? The CCNA certification exam is considered to be a 90-minute exam with between 60 and 70 questions. This means you would be having 1 minute and 30 seconds roughly for each question. However, as with any exam, some questions would be more challenging and would require more time than the others. So, while you should take your time to read questions carefully, make sure that you aren’t having much of it to waste. One exam trick which is utilized by lots of people is to go for low-hanging fruit, i.e., answer the questions which are easy for you and then go back to the more challenging questions. Unfortunately, this trick couldn’t be used in Cisco certification exams because, once you click on the Next button for advancing to the next question, you wouldn’t be able to go back to previous questions. Where should I Take the Exam? How Often the Exams would be scheduled? Cisco would be offering two types of exams: Proctored exams as well as self-administered online exams. The proctored exams are considered to be the ones you go to a registered center to take the exam, where a proctor would be available to register you for the exam and, in some cases, the proctor invigilates and is available for answering some questions. The self-administered online exams could be taken anywhere, even in your house, as long as there would be an Internet connection. The only exams you could take online by yourself are related to sales as well as partnership. On the other hand, all Cisco certification exams would be including the CCNA certification exam, which are proctored exams administered at Pearson VUE test centers; so you would be needed to go physically to a test center. Once you have confirmed the test center which you wish to utilize, you could either schedule your exam in advance or on the day you would be intended to take it as long as there would be availability at the test center. If you wish to pursue the CCNA Certification, you should gain the study dumps which would be offered by the SPOTO Club.