How Many Hours Is the CISSP Exam?

2024-01-15 14:14:56 SPOTO Club CISSP 800
The CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) certification exam update in 2018 included a modest revision of the topics and a significant change to the testing process. Preparing for the CISSP exam has become much more challenging, now. You will need to be knowledgeable in all eight domains of CISSP to pass. This article would be identifying the changes in topics, which would be revealing the complexity of the new testing format, as well as provides a preparation guide to help you successfully clear the CISSP exam. The biggest change would be from the 2015 version to the 2018 revision would be the testing process itself. The original CISSP exam was a paper-based, bubble-sheet test which would be consisting of 250 questions to be completed in a six-hour time window. With the 2015 revision, the CISSP exam would be finally adopted a CBT (computer-based testing) option through Pearson Vue, but it would be retained the question count as well as the time limit of its predecessor. If you are opting for the CISSP Certification Exam, you should gain a good and reliable training provider like the SPOTO Club. SPOTO 100% pass dump With the release of the 2018 revision, the CISSP Certification exam has been converted into an adaptive test. (ISC)2 would be calling this version the CISSP Computer Adaptive Test or CISSP-CAT. The CISSP-CAT only applies to the English version of the exam. For non-English versions, the 250-question, the six-hour version is still used. In the new format, the student would be viewed as a minimum of 100 questions as well as a maximum of 150. Of the first 100 questions, only 75 would be graded and count towards your score. The 25 ungraded questions aren’t marked, as well as are interspersed throughout the first 100 questions. These questions would be utilized to be the evaluation questions for future tests. At question 100, the system would be evaluating your potential for achieving a passing score. If the system would be estimating your pass potential is 95% or higher, the test would end with a pass. If the system would be estimating your failure potential is about 95% or higher, the test would be ending with a fail. If a pass/fail determination isn’t made at question 100, then it is considered to be evaluated again after each question until you reach 150. You would be only assessed on the last 75 graded questions. This means that as you answer to question 101, the first graded question is discarded as well as replaced with question 101. Then as you answer to question 102, the second originally graded question is discarded as well as replaced with question 102, and so on. Furthermore, you are not able to revisit previous questions. You get one chance to view a question and provide an answer. Although it is not stated, a skipped question is likely marked as incorrect. Therefore, guessing would be still a better strategy than just skipping. You are required to always attempt to eliminate question options from consideration, then select your answer from the remaining options.

Why the test revisions?

(ISC)2 references several factors that would lead to the 2018 CISSP-CAT revision:
  • A more precise evaluation
  • Shorter test sessions
  • Enhanced exam security
There has been a significant increase in exam fraud worldwide over the last few years, which would be including both tester impersonations and attempts to steal copies of the question bank. (ISC)2, as well as other test owners, would be utilizing a wide range of techniques for reducing fraud while increasing certification value. The CISSP-CAT is a reasonable defense against stolen test banks. Hence, if you wish to gain this certification, you should opt for the CISSP Training Dumps, which are being offered at the SPOTO Club. SPOTO 100% pass dump