How the PMI ACP exam would be costing?

2024-01-18 07:28:18 SPOTO Club PMP 1207

The PMI-ACP Exam is Now Online

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ACP Certification Cost

Member: US$435.00
Non-member: US$495.00

The PMI-ACP otherwise known as Project Management Institute (with its most famous Project Management Professional Certification) Agile Certified Practitioner certification would be allowing you to demonstrating your proficiency in utilizing agile practices of project teams, methods, as well as tools, for certifying your qualifications for positions that would be employing agile practices. While not required for each and every project manager, the PMI-ACP certification would be required for those who would be willing to demonstrate their resourcefulness in a modern project management environment. Below-mentioned information would be meant for helping you to understand the process of PMI-ACP as well as deciding if the exam as well as certification would be correct for you. Before we move on to the cost, you should gain the study dumps, which are being offered at the SPOTO Club.

What is the PMI-ACP?

The PMI-ACP is being offered by the PMI (Project Management Institute) would be certifying you as an agile project manager. In addition, the strict certification requirements which would be meaning that you are required for having enough experience of performing well in the position in order to achieve the certification,  for making it lots and lots of valuable to employers.

PMI-ACP Requirements

The PMI-ACP has lots and lots of requirements in addition of clearing the examination. These would be including:

  • Secondary Degree or Higher: You are required to have a high school degree, Associate’s Degree, Global Equivalent or higher.
  • General Project Management Experience: You are required to earn a minimum of 2,000 hours of working on project management teams within the last 5 years and about having an active PgMP or PMP certification.
  • Agile Project Experience: You are also required to have a minimum of 1,500 hours of working experience with agile methodologies or agile teams, all earned within the last 3 years. These would be additionally not including a total of 3,500 hours of experience of the general project management.
  • Training in Agile Practices: You are required to have a minimum of 21 contact hours of training in agile practices from certified or approved sources.

You would be required to pass the PMI-ACP exam for earning the certification.


PMI-ACP fees would be varying on the dependence on whether you would be a PMI member or not, and whether you would have register for the paper or computer-based test. The paper test would be costing about $385 for PMI members as well as $445 for non-members. It would be only available under certain circumstances. The more common computer-based test which would be costing about $435 for PMI members as well as for non-members it is $495. An annual PMI membership would be costing you about $129. You would also have to look out for the factors in the costs of guides, handbooks, as well as a prep course, if you would be choosing to take advantage of these options for the preparation of your exam.

The cost of ACP Certification would be determining by PMI Membership status as well as the examination which would be the delivery type mode you select. The exam fee would be given in the table mentioned below:

Exam Type Member Status US Price
Computer-based testing (CBT) Member $435
Computer-based testing (CBT) Non-member $495
Paper-based testing (PBT) Member $385
Paper-based testing (PBT) Non-member $445



Before you made your exam application and shceduled your exam at the PMI website, the PMI Member rate would be only applicable if you are a member of PMI. In case if your membership hasn’t yet absolutely sophisticated before you pay for the credential, you would be charged the non-member rate. If you would be receiving your PMI membership after the payment would be commenced then PMI wouldn’t be refunding your money.

So, if you wish to have the PMI ACP Certification, you should check out the PMI ACP exam prep study dumps, which are being offered at the SPOTO Club.