Just the Facts: How to Become a CISSP

2024-01-17 16:12:10 SPOTO Club CISSP 842

Today we are going to examine the CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional), sponsored by the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium, or (ISC)2. Also, you should check out the study dumps, which are being offered at the SPOTO Club for better results.

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CISSP would be the accumulation of four distinct phases: • Meeting the Experience • Clearing the Exam • Obtaining an Endorsement • Preparing for an Audit

Meeting the Experience

If you wish to register for the CISSP certification exam, you should exhibit that you would acquire the lowest of five years of professional experience in the information security field. Your work history would be screening that your skillset is going to clinching at least two domains in the (ISC)2 CISSP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK). You would be able to obtain a one-year waiver in the professional experience requirement if you would be falling into one of the following categories: • Holding a four-year college degree • Holding an advanced degree in information security from a U.S. National CAEIAE (Center of Academic Excellence in Information Security) • Holding documentation from the list of (ISC)2-approved; this list would be including the MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer ), the CompTIA Security+, and the CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor ) titles.

Clearing the Exam

For meeting this requirement, you should clear the CISSP certification exam with a score of about 700 out of 1000 or greater. You register to take the CISSP unswervingly with the (ISC)2; note that you, might have to travel to reach your closest testing location which is being authorized. Exam pricing for the residence of the U.S. is either $549 or $599 depending upon whether you would be choosing to do an early registration or a standard registration. Also, keeping aside the costs, the exam itself is considered to be a test of endurance; the pencil-and-paper exam would be containing 250 multiple-choice questions in which you would have 6 hours for answering as many of them as you can correctly.

Obtaining an Endorsement

After your clearance you are required to clear the CISSP exam, your work still is not finalized. You are required to solicit an active (ISC)2 credential holder who would be attesting your industry experience for the fulfillment of an endorsement form for you. Once the (ISC)2 approves and receives the endorsement, you would be able to finally haul a sigh of satisfaction: You would be observing a real-live CISSP

Preparing for an Audit

It is believed to be very much decisive that you not fudge or cut any corners in your CISSP application procedure, not the least rationale being that the (ISC)2 randomly selects (ISC)2-certified individuals for auditing. If you are found to have fallacious in any of your application data, it would be resulting in the revocation of your CISSP title a foregone conclusion. Certification Renewal / Expiry Information The CISSP certification is having a lifespan of about three-year. Accordingly, it is very much essential that you would make time for scoring at least 120 CPE (continuing professional education) credits within each of the three-year intervals. Of these 120 credits, at least 80 are required to be of Type A, or directly relating to the information which would be in the security profession. The remaining 40 credits could be required to be with either Type A or Type B; Type B credits comprise other forms of professional skills improvement. The (ISC)2 would be providing you with occupied information on CPEs once you are being certified with it. So, now you know how you would be able to become a CISSP. If you wish to pursue it, you should gain the SPOTO Club’s CISSP Training Modules. SPOTO 100% pass dump