New CCNP Certifications Rundown

2024-01-16 07:44:59 SPOTO Club Cisco,CCNP 1078

Obtaining the New CCNP Enterprise certification would be able to prove your skills with enterprise networking solutions. Earning CCNP Enterprise certification requires only two exams: one core exam that would be covering core enterprise technologies as well as one concentration exam of your choice, so you could customize your certification for your technical area of focus. The 350-401 ENCOR exam is the qualifying exam for CCIE, CISCO certified specialist. The new CCNP Enterprise certification program would be able to prepare you for today’s professional-level job roles in enterprise networking technologies. CCNP Enterprise would be now including automation as well as programmability for helping you to scale your networking infrastructure. Another significant change to the new testing format is that there are no formal prerequisites for the CCNP Enterprise. Candidates are no longer required to have their CCNA, however the certification requires only having a good understanding of the technology before taking the exams. Technology track also serve as qualifying exams for ccie lab exams.

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When it comes to IT Certification, you should opt for the training courses which are being offered at the SPOTO Club. They are the leading IT Exam Study Dumps Provider and have numerous successes. Below you would be able to have the New CCNP Certifications Rundown and how they would have changed since February 24,2024

  • Cisco CCDP Certification - Retired and Integrated into New CCNP Enterprise:

If you would have achieved the CCDP certification before February 24, you would automatically be given the new CCNP Enterprise Certification and 2 Specialist Certifications.

  • Cisco CCNP Cloud Certification - Retired and Integrated into New CCNP Data Center:

In the new program, CCNP Cloud certification has been integrated into the CCNP Data Center certification. If you would have gained your CCNP Cloud certification before February 24, then you would be automatically awarded the new CCNP Data Center Certification and 2 Specialist Certifications.

  • Cisco CCNP Collaboration Certification – Replaced by New CCNP Collaboration:

If you would have obtained your CCNP Collaboration certification before February 24,2024, then you would be automatically awarded the new CCNP Collaboration Certification and 4 Specialist Certifications.

  • Cisco CCNP Data Center Certification – Replaced by New CCNP Data Center:

If you would have attained your CCNP Data Center certification before February 24,2024, then you would be automatically given the new CCNP Data Center Certification and 3 Specialist Certifications.

  • Cisco CCNP Routing & Switching Certification – Retired and Replaced by New CCNP Enterprise Certification

This is one of the major changes. If you have acquired your CCNP Routing and Switching certification before February 24,2024, then you would be automatically awarded the new CCNP Enterprise Certification and 2 Specialist Certifications.

  • Cisco CCNP Security Certification – Replaced by New CCNP Security certification:

If you would have acquired your CCNP Security certification before February 24,2024, then you are going to automatically award the new CCNP Security Certification and 5 Specialist Certifications.

  • Cisco CCNP Service Provider Certification – Replaced by New CCNP Service Provider Certification:

If you achieve your CCNP Service Provider certification before February 24,2024, then you will be automatically granted the new CCNP Service Provider Certification and 3 Specialist Certifications.

  • Cisco CCNP Wireless certification - Retired and Replaced by New CCNP Enterprise Certification:

If you achieve your CCNP Wireless certification before February 24,2024, then you would be automatically awarded by the new CCNP Enterprise Certification and 3 Specialist Certifications. So, this was the detailed rundown of old and new CCNP and now you have acquired the knowledge that which certification program is intact and which would be retired and replaced by another certification or the same New Version of Certifications. All you needed to do is to check out which certification you wish to acquire and work on it to achieve it. I would recommend you to join the study dumps, which are being offered at the SPOTO Club. According to the statics show that on average one candidate would be required to take 2-3 times an exam for gaining their certification, whereas you would be able to clear at first try if you would have to clear SPOTO Club all sections and mock tests. So, join them and acquire your dream certification.

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