When the best time to take the CCIE certification exam?

2024-01-17 01:17:03 SPOTO Club CCIE 832

If you would be planning to gain the title of the CCIE anytime soon, the best time is not, but you should get familiar with the anticipated changes to Cisco’s Certification of expert-level certification. Cisco is considered to be making its certification menu more nimble as well as relevant for the shifting landscape of networking and programming. The changes are considered to be due to go into effect Feb. 24,2024, so you are not having that much time to work toward a current CCIE. So, it is strongly recommended for you to gain this certification in2024. Let’s understand the Certification Changes which are going to hit in2024 for better understanding. If you wish to achieve it in one go, do check out the study dumps, which are offered at the SPOTO Club, to ease up your study process.

Similar to the CCNP, the CCIE is considered to be also changing up its certification offerings. The new CCIE certifications are mentioned below:

· CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure

· CCIE Enterprise Wireless

· CCIE Data Center

· CCIE Security

· CCIE Service Provider

· CCIE Collaboration

There would be a few differences between the existing CCIE options as well as the options that would be coming in2024. The most notable is considered to be the absence of CCIE Routing and Switching. This certification would be replaced by the CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure certification. CCIE Wireless is going to be replaced by CCIE Enterprise Wireless, while CCDE would be remaining unchanged, for now.

These changes are going to give you the flexibility of either continuing studying for your CCIE, or finishing up the CCNP concentration exam. In most cases, the CCIE lab exam would be a lot for you to take on without much experience, so it would make sense that you should go for the CCNP Enterprise first.

The CCIE lab is still considered to be an 8-hour exam which would be meant to validate your skills. Therefore, it’s still best for you to have several years of real-world job experience before attempting the new CCIE. You wouldn’t be willing to go into this unprepared. When the changes are going to take effect, the CCIE would be expiring every three years instead of every two years, which is another reason to get certified in2024.

What to do if you have already started your studies?

Suppose you have started working toward your CCIE. Let’s say CCIE Routing and Switching. If you complete the CCIE Routing and Switching written exam before Feb. 24,2024, you would be eligible for taking the new CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure lab exam after February 24. If you fail to pass the written exam before the deadline, the written exam would be replaced with the core exam ENCOR 300-401. In that case, you would have to clear ENCOR 300-401 before you could move on to the lab exam.

If you’ve already cleared your written exam, you would still have time for taking the CCIE lab exam. With that, you would be able to earn your CCIE Routing and Switching certification before the change. If you clear, you would be automatically receiving the new CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure certification. But, only go for it, if you are one hundred percent sure about your success. You would be also receiving the Cisco Certified Specialist – Enterprise Core certification. Typically, you are going to receive this specialist pedigree after your completion of the ENCOR 300-401. In short, earning a CCIE before the changes might have some upside. So, if you have started studying, don’t stop.

Also, if you wish to achieve success in a single attempt, you could have it by getting trained with the experts and acquiring a good and reliable study dumps, which you could obtain by enrolling yourself in the training courses offered by the SPOTO Club.