Download 2024 Latest & Free PCCSA Exam Questions and Answers!

2024-01-16 10:55:59 SPOTO Club PCCSA 785
If you want a dream job in IT, Palo Alto Networks certification pushes you forward in your career and tells employers that you are a capable and driven person! Have you been looking for materials that can prepare you to take the Palo Alto Networks Certified Cybersecurity Associate (PCCSA)? SPOTO offers the real PCCSA exam practice questions to test your preparation! Try now! QUESTION 1 Which type of adversary would commit cybercrimes with the authorization of their country’s government? A. state-sponsored B. hacktivist C. gray hat D. white hat Correct Answer: A QUESTION 2 When a company chooses to deploy a branch location with antivirus software, which risk model are they using to manage risk? A. limiting B. assuming C. transferring D. avoiding Correct Answer: A QUESTION 3 Which option describes a characteristic of a distributed denial-of-service attack? A. uses multiple types of malware to corrupt system services B. uses a single remote host to delete data from multiple target servers C. uses a single remote host to flood a target network with traffic D. uses a botnet to flood traffic to a target network Correct Answer: D QUESTION 4 What is a component of a public key infrastructure? A. Key Distribution Center B. KDC ticket C. SSH key D. certificate authority Correct Answer: D QUESTION 5 From which resource can a Palo Alto Networks firewall get URL category information for URLs whose categories cannot be found on the firewall? A. App-ID database B. WildFire C. PDF file D. PAN-DB database Correct Answer: D QUESTION 6 What does a hypervisor enable? A. high-speed searching of already aggregated security log files B. high-speed aggregation and viewing of security log files C. multiple physical machines to be configured into a high-performance cluster D. multiple guest operating systems to run on a single physical machine Correct Answer: D QUESTION 7 Identify a weakness of a perimeter-based network security strategy to protect an organization’s endpoint systems. A. It cannot identify command-and-control traffic. B. It cannot monitor all potential network ports. C. It assumes that all internal devices are untrusted. D. It assumes that every internal endpoint can be trusted. Correct Answer: D QUESTION 8 Which type of security device uses a single-pass, parallel processor hardware architecture to accelerate content inspection? A. unified threat management B. stateless firewalls C. next-generation firewall D. PoS-based firewall Correct Answer: C QUESTION 9 Which well-known port is associated with the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol? A. 143 B. 25 C. 997 D. 40 Correct Answer: B QUESTION 10 To which type of organization does the PCI DSS apply? A. any organization that accepts, transmits, or stores any cardholder data B. organizations that only accept cardholder data regardless of size or number of transactions C. only organizations larger than 100 employees that accept, transmit, or store any cardholder data D. organizations that only transmit data regardless of size or number of transactions Correct Answer: A Want more? Click here to download free PCCSA demo! Pass PCCSA Certification Exam in the first try with SPOTO!
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