More than 100 F5 Load Balancer Interview Questions List | SPOTO

2024-01-18 08:05:03 SPOTO Club F5 3855

F5 Networks is considered to be a global multinational company which would be specializing in application services as well as ADN (application delivery networking). They would be focusing on performance, availability, security as well as delivery. F5 Technologies is current in the cloud and data center. It is considered to be available in private, public and multi-cloud environments on platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Open Stack. If you would be looking forward for a job at F5 or a job questions to Server Load Balancing then you would be definitely go through the F5 Certification Questions which would be provided below. These F5 Interview Questions would be able to give you an overall general idea of the probable questions asked in the interviews. Get more about f5 ltm interview questions and answers click here. Also check out the training courses which are being offered at the SPOTO Club.Get 100% real dumps

List of F5 Interview Questions

Below mentioned are 100+ F5 Interview Questions:

1. What are iRules in F5 LTM? 

2. What is the meaning of iControl? 

3. What is the default LTM MGMT port IP Address? 

4. What is the meaning of ConfigSync? 

5. How is a member different than a node? 

6. What is OneConnect and its benefit? 

7. What is the meaning of load balancing pool? 

8. What is session persistence and why is it required? 

9. What is the meaning of profile? 

10. What is the meaning of RAM cache? 

11. What type items are cached and not cached by RAM feature? 

12. What types of lists would be considered in URIL Lists? 

13. Difference between Pool and Node member? 

14. What would be the meaning of Virtual Servers? 

15. What would be meant by Pool? 16. What would be meant by member? 

17. What is the meaning of TMM and its functionality? 18. What would be the key difference between GTM and LTM? 

19. What is meant by a tagged Interface? 

20. Which Command line utility displays real-time statistical information for BIG-IP LTM? 

21. What is meant by cookie persistence? 

22. What is meant by Self IP address?

23. What is meant by floating self IP address? 

24. What is meant by HTTP chunking? 

25. Which are the current LTM hardware models in market? 

26. What is meant by pipelining? 

27. What is meant by Predictive method? 

28. What are the capabilities of LTM? 

29. Which tasks are performed by LTM to offload server of responsibilities? 

30. What are the authentication modules that could be implemented on F5Big-IP? 

31. What is difference between PAM and APM? 

32. What are the loads balancing methods utilized in LTM? 

33. Which all Health monitors are obtainable on F5 LTM? 

34. What are the deployment forms of F5 LTM? 

35. What is meant by SNAT in F5 LTM? 36. How does SNAT work? 

37. What is meant by rate shaping? 38. What are 3 key elements of iRule? 

39. What is meant by the minimum RAM required to run BIG-IP Virtual Edition on ESXi? 

40. What are key elements to be considered while choosing an F5 Load balancer (LTM)?

 42. What is meant by a Dynamic Load Balancing mode? 

43. What is meant by Server Load Balancing? 

44. What information needs to be provided to set up an appliance to do cookie load balancing? 

45. What is meant by Health Check with reference to load balancer? 

46. When load balancing to a real server, which server would be accessed first? 

47. What is the difference between a QoS Cookie Policy and a Persistent Cookie Policy in array network loadbalancer? 

48. What is meant by GSLB (Global Server Load Balancing)? 

49. Does the clustering would be needed to be turned on to utilize GSLB? 

50. Which Load Balancing methods would be supported with Array Network GSLB? 

51. What is meant by Reverse Proxy Cache? 

52. Define GTM, LTM, APM, ASM. 

53. What are steps of the LTM setup? 

54. How many characters would be there in a base registration key have? 

55. What would be included in Set up Utility? 56. What are pool members? 

57. What would be the devices represented by IP addresses of pool members? 58. How many session tables would be maintained in a full proof proxy? 

59. What is the meaning of a proxy based design? 

60. What is meant by an intelligent SNAT? 

61. How to monitor the number of synchronized connections going through the SNAT? 

62. How is a member dissimilar than a node? 

63. What is meant by a load balancing transaction? 

64. What is the primary reason for storing and tracking session data? 

65. What are the Positive Security Model and Negative Security Model? 

66. What is HTTP Header Method? 

67. Which are the most important web server headers? 

68. What do Phase 1 and Phase 2 do? 

69. What 4 protocols is the SSL tranquil of? 

70. What is meant by the handshake protocol used for? 

71. What is meant by the Change Cipher Spec used for? 

72. What is meant by the Alert Protocol used for? 

73. What is meant by the Application data Protocol used for? 

74. What Hash Algorithms would be utilized in SSL “Client authentication? 

75. Which two connection modes do IP Sec have? 

76. What is meant by a tunnel mode? 

77. What is meant by a transport mode? 

78. Which metrics can GTM utilize when making load balancing decisions for a client? 

79. Why do we need to utilize Layer 7 load balancing rather than Layer 4and Layer 3? 

80. What is the difference between virtual load balancer and hardware load balancer? 

81. What is the difference between Global traffic Manager and Local Traffic Manager? 

82. What information would be required to set up my appliance to do Cookie Load Balancing? 

83. When load balancing to a Real Server, which server would be accessed first? 

84. What is meant by Static Content and Dynamic Content? Can the Array Appliance Cache Dynamic Content? 

85. What is meant by Recursion Depth? 86. How does cache decide what to cache? 

87. What algorithms would be utilized for Cache Content Replacement? 

88. What is meant by real clustering? 

89. What is meant by virtual clustering and how does it work? 

90. What parameters are required to be needed for defining the cluster configuration? 

91. What is meant by the purpose of a content rewrite? 

92. What is meant by the use of extern and static? 

93. What is meant by VLAN? How many bits are there is IPv4 protocol? What is meant by RFC? 

94. Difference between the hub, router, and switch? 

95. Compare Binary balanced trees and hash table. List the scenarios when you would prefer a hash table. 

96. What is meant by SNAT and why is it required? 

97. Compare SNAT and Global Traffic.

 98. Compare SNAT and Virtual Servers. 

99. What is meant by SNAT Automap? 100. What is meant by the SNAT Automap order of difference? 

101. Is Inline considered to be an alternative to SNAT and how? 

102. How to capture the source address with SNAT? 

103. Explain the benefits of utilizing unique, custom profiles for virtual services. 

104. Explain a service issue where configuration alteration or load balancer inspection led to or implemented a solution. 

105. When one would be recommending DSR vs full proxy? 

106. How can one implement L3 DSR? 

107. Do you encrypt traffic between the service and the ADC? 

108. Do you prefer Apache with Nginx, mod_proxy, HAProxy or other proxy software? Why? 

109. How do you automate service pools with proxies in utilize? 

110. How much TCP manipulation have you performed on the service and why? 

111. Can you explain the concept of server load balancing GSLB (Global Server Load Balancing) and its significance in a network infrastructure?
112. What is QoS (Quality of Service) cookie policy in the context of an Array Network Load Balancer, and how does it contribute to efficient traffic management?
113. Could you elaborate on the role of an appliance designed to offload server responsibilities in a load balancing setup? What are its key benefits?
114. In an F5 BIG-IP LTM (Local Traffic Manager) configuration, which load balancing methods are commonly used? Can you provide a brief overview of each method and when they are best suited for deployment?
115. How does GSLB differ from traditional load balancing methods, and what specific scenarios or use cases make GSLB a preferred choice in a distributed network environment?
116. What are the main considerations when implementing GSLB for high availability and disaster recovery purposes? How does GSLB enhance the resilience of an infrastructure?
117. Can you discuss some common challenges or issues that administrators might face when configuring QoS cookie policies on an Array Network Load Balancer? How would you troubleshoot these issues?
118. When choosing a load balancing method in F5 LTM, what factors should be taken into account, such as application type, server capabilities, and client requirements? Are there any specific scenarios where one method clearly outperforms others?
119. How does an offload appliance contribute to optimizing server performance and reducing server resource utilization in a load balancing environment? Can you provide examples of tasks that can be offloaded to such appliances?
120. What are some best practices for monitoring and managing server load balancing GSLB configurations to ensure optimal performance and availability? How do you handle failover scenarios and maintain continuous service uptime?

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