Some interview questions and answers of CISSP exam

2024-01-17 20:41:20 SPOTO Club CISSP 1052

CISSP is considered to be a managerial certification that would make it quite essential at least 5 years of hands-on experience in 2 of the 8 domains of security. It is considered to be one of the elite certifications, the knowledge as well as a practical application of which would be highly sought after. Candidates sitting for managerial positions would be having an upper hand if they would be holding CISSP. The exam isn’t considered to be as simple since it tests the candidate’s knowledge of the concepts and the ability of the candidate in practical application. After surveillance much of the CISSP interviews, the inference is that the knowledge is testable as well as not just conforming to the books. The interview isn’t that tough if you would know the concepts. Do check out the training courses which are being offered at the SPOTO Club, to ensure your success.

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CISSP Interview Questions And Answers

1. When you want to filter packets that negotiate the network, what should you do?

Answer: You could utilize packet filtering to block certain packets from traveling and entering over a network. This is usually done on a firewall that would be having a public-facing IP on the Internet to protect internal users.

2. What could you utilize to encrypt email transmissions?

Answer: Email isn’t a secure transmission, so some companies would be choosing to encrypt communication. You could utilize PGP, which is software that would be letting you encrypt email messages with a public-private key combination.

3. What would you utilize to allow the users to connect to the internal network from the internet?

Answer: VPN. A Virtual Private Network would be allowing the users to “tunnel” from the Internet to the private network. You would be still having a firewall and security in place, but the VPN would be protecting user information as well as hiding data sent from the user’s home computer to the private network.

4. What is utilized in cryptography for hiding a message?

Answer: A cipher is a way for masking a plain text message into another message. It would be utilized in cryptography for jumbling text so that the receiver and sender are the only two people who would be deciphering the message and read its content.

5. What type of access control allows the user groups to access a resource?

Answer: Role-based access control would be putting the users into buckets. These buckets or roles would be then assigned to specific areas of the network. This makes it much easier for keeping the track of users who would be having access to resources.

6. What could you utilize for authenticating asymmetric keys?

Answer: Digital signatures would be utilized for deciphering asymmetric keys. Asymmetric keys would be utilized for sending and receiving messages. The receiver and sender decipher messages utilizing a public and private key.

7. What is a denial of service attack?

Answer: A denial of service attack would be sending a massive amount of packets to another network in an effort for saturating the resources, crash them, as well as force the resources to become unobtainable.

8. What is a distributed denial-of-service attack?

Answer: Since routers could be detected and block denial of service attacks, hackers utilize the distributed denial of service attacks utilizing other computers that have some kind of Trojan horse or virus that would be allowing the attacker to utilize the machine for a denial of service attack.

For more such interview questions and also good and reliable study dumps, check out the training courses which are being offered at the SPOTO Club.


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