• 中文战报
    套餐TS2 DIAG H2 CFGH3 TS2 Q1: SW400/401 No10 No30 Q2: R14natacl有拒绝10.1.201.0,no掉 Q3: R23loop0ospf进程id错误 R22map10igp map20incom R23route-map里没有igpincom补上 按照平时解法解就行 Q4: R20/21: Route-map调用补上 Q5: R60 Tun0掩码/32改24 Q6: SW111 Vl…………. …………………… diagH2 跟spoto解法基本一样,背熟就行 CFGH3 跟平时练的差不多,然后就是之前战报说的 考场预配有很多,肯定是比平时练的时候多,但是需要检查,我记得的ipv6就配置了一部 分就写错AS写了65002,另一端一配就是疯狂报错。所以敲之前需要检查一下预配 SW300/301 考场上有配nospanning-treemstsimulatepvstglobal SW510channel口是反的,考场图上很清晰…………. DC1、HQ区域ospf和bgprouter-id都有预配,敲的时候检查一下就行 组播:没看题目出现e0/2的字样,我用的loo1直接出现象;开始出现象了,最后检查的时 候又不正常了,把4个设备的调用no掉,重新调用了一下就正常了 R14、15、61的DMVPN跟昨天的兄弟一样……….. …………… R71考场上是有预配acl,cryto-aclnat-acl, ……………. 我用考场上的acl没配通,就把它改了用的解法里的 …………………. 然后就是解TS一定要细心,特别是进程id错误的,我经常看漏掉,今天考试R23也是看漏 掉,排了半天; 再就是之前的战报提供的感觉很合适,比较小的点经常容易漏的考场上想起来就配比 如:……………………….. 考试不要慌时间多得很,8点开始考,我10点就开始敲config了,考官也很好,进去之前 会给你大概讲一下TSend是退出一个section结束TS,config的end是交卷提交考试之类 的话,以免考试点错。。。不知道有没有被TR,最后检查确实有掉配置,不知道是考官TR还 是自TR的,可能是自TR的 反正就是敲熟,背熟,能理解最好。 感谢群里的各位大佬、助教、谢老师平时帮忙排错、指导,祝大家都能顺利通过CCIE!!!
  • 中文战报
    TS2 1、AS65004的Q1,HQ的Q8的路由设备我今天考场上全部没找到针对用户的DHCP配置,这点很奇怪,但是错点(常规错点,真的很常规,这里不再赘述)找到之后用户设备都能正常收到路由,而且根据我过了这个结果来看是不影响的。 另外,在R40、R30上有VLAN2001、VLAN2000的dhcp  pool,里面都有租期的配置,要全部no  掉(两个区域,四个DHCP  pool一共四个) 2、MPLS那道题,现象真的出现的很慢,我差不多最后20分钟都在等这个现象,最奇怪的是server1那个现象已经满足,说明MPLS区域正常,但是SW500死活卡在MPLS区域。 提这个主要是提醒大家考场的设备反应一言难尽,大家不要因为现象没出就慌(虽然我考试的时候也慌了一下,但要快速调整心态,错点找到之后改过来先放在那)这里也是真的非常常规的错点,不再赘述 3、ipv6记得在server1接口上开启ipv6  enable H3 1、AS65003区域no  span  mst  sim  pvst  global老生常谈,要把no  去掉 2、我可能比较幸运,抽到了二层接口配置特别全的预配,但我还是花了不少时间检查,也劝大家花点时间在这上面 3、考场的DMVPN的确如老师所说十分难对付,要花较多时间检查配置和翻滚接口,这里一定要耐心加细心,但配置都是常规配置 4、预配的ospf基本是全的 5、组播的所有设备都没预配ip  multicast-routing!!!记得加上!!! 6、SW111没有开启ipv6  unicast-routing,要加上才能在bgp里面进入ipv6地址簇 7、LAN  to  LAN  IPSec的nat是预配好的,而且是正确的,但建议还是检查一下(nat的access-list  deny的是10.7.0.0/16的流量,但是实测并不影响现象),你只需配置10.7.0.0/24感兴趣流那一块,而且这个vpn意外的很快up 8、某些设备(这里真的想不起来具体的)会有一些奇怪的ACL,但是我都没管,而且也没影响现象,但是还是留个心眼瞄一眼
  • Huawei
    Huawei Certification is considered to be in line with the company's "Platform + AI + Ecosystem" development strategy, and its new ICT infrastructure featuring "Cloud-Pipe-Device" synergy. It evolves to fit with the latest trends of ICT convergence. Huawei Certification consists of three categories: ICT Infrastructure Certification, Platform and Service Certification, and ICT Vertical Certification, making it the only all-range technical certification program in the industry. Huawei offers three levels of certification: Huawei Certified ICT Associate (HCIA), Huawei Certified ICT Professional (HCIP), and Huawei Certified ICT Expert (HCIE). With its leading talent development system and certification standards, Huawei is committed to developing new ICT professionals in the digital era and building a healthy ICT talent ecosystem. Overview Huawei Certified ICT Expert – Routing & Switching certification which would be validating the skills and knowledge required to optimize, construct, and manage complex as well as large and medium-sized enterprise networks. The HCIE – Routing & Switching curriculum which would be including, but isn’t considered limited to the following: Interconnecting different networks as well as various routers and switches Resolving complex connection problems Utilizing technical solutions to enlarge bandwidth, shorten the response time, augment security, improve performance to its maximum, and support global applications. Troubleshooting complex network faults. Course Objectives On completion of this Huawei Certification program, the participants would be able to: Understanding the large and medium-sized complex networks Designing a variety of complex network independently Implementing networks with Huawei routing and switching devices Maintaining different networks with a variety of routers and switches Solving complex connectivity problems Utilizing technical solutions to enlarge bandwidth, abbreviate the corresponding time, maximize performance, strengthen security and support global applications Troubleshooting complex networks Analyzing the complex requirements of applications on the network Benefits of Training With HCIE – Routing & Switching certification, you would be demonstrating a comprehensive as well as a thorough understanding of large networks, which would be including technologies used in complex large and medium-sized networks, and the ability to design various enterprise networks independently as well as implementing those designs which would be utilizing Huawei routing and switching devices. With engineers who are going to be HCIE-Routing & Switching certified, enterprises would be able to: Constructing complete large as well as medium-sized networks independently as well as integrated voice, security, cloud, and wireless storage technologies into their networks to support a variety of applications. Troubleshooting faults efficiently. Planning the enterprise network enlargement to maintain with the enterprise development as well as network technology development trends, yet prolonging to ensure high security, availability, and reliability. Huawei certification Exams is believed to be a new tendency in the IT industry. You could 100 % pass the Huawei certification exams in the first attempt with the study materials offered in the SPOTO Club’s dumps. 100% latest as well as Valid Huawei certification questions and answers, could be obtained through the SPOTO Club. SPOTO Club’s Huawei exam dumps are verified by professional Huawei tutors. Take the Huawei Certification real questions and discover your strengths and weaknesses in the Huawei Exam. With Huawei exam dumps, you would be able to pinpoint the areas of the subject which would be needing work and strengthen them. SPOTO Club would be offering IT Certification exam practice tests/dumps. It is considered to be the main line Product provided for Cisco certification exam preparation. They not just offer the Huawei Certification, but they also have the expertise teams on various other certifications like the Cisco, CISSP, AWS, CompTIA, VMware, F5 Networks Certification, Aruba, ITIL exams, ISACA exams, Veritas exams, VEEAM exams, Google exam, RedHat. So, if you wish to acquire the Huawei Certification, check out the top Huawei and other IT certifications Courses offered online at the SPOTO Club.  
  • AWS
    AWS is considered to be the beast of a platform that requires extensive knowledge of application deployment and cloud management. At last count, AWS had well over 100 services — and new ones are added regularly. Each service has its lingo, own GUI, and own CLI command set. Mastery of any AWS service would first be required a firm understanding of the basics. Without knowing VPCs, regions, AZs, and security groups, you’re sunk before even getting started. Studying and regurgitating facts will only get you so far. If you’re looking to get certified in AWS, you need to know your stuff. Let’s go through each of the AWS certification level, which would be correlating some opinions, and attempt to give you definitive answers about how difficult AWS exams are. Foundational: Entry-Level Should Be Easiest, Right? The first rung on the AWS cert ladder is Foundational, which would be included the Certified Cloud Practitioner certification. The exam tests the basics we mentioned earlier — plus the shared responsibility model, billing and account management, and support options. AWS recommends six months of experience with AWS in any capacity whether it is “technical, managerial, sales, purchasing, or financial.” That’s a good indicator for who should take this exam — basically anyone with skin in the game. Not just engineers. Thus, you should consider gaining good and reliable study dumps, which would be available at the SPOTO Club. Are you an IT engineer with years of networking experience? This exam won’t be too hard. There might be some new concepts, but everything correlates to something you already know — S3 is file storage, EC2 is virtual machines, RDS is databases, etc. You might be itching to jump ahead to the Associate level. However, the consensus is to master the basics first with this Foundational cert. Maybe you’re in your first IT role and a little more green? This certification is the perfect place to start. Expect lots of new stuff. Go through the material, set up a free tier AWS account to practice, and enjoy getting your hands dirty. You’ll get up to speed pretty quick. The Verdict: If you’re brand new to AWS, you will need to put in the time to learn the minutiae of AWS to fare well. But if you’ve dabbled in cloud technologies and AWS (even in a free tier), this will probably be the easiest cert on this list for you to earn. Associate: Don’t Go In Blind The next AWS certification level is the Associate — which contains certifications in Solutions Architect, Developer, and SysOps. Earlier, we would be required to certain people could skip Foundation and jump straight into Associate. This is indeed possible, as there are no prerequisites for Associate tests. Get ready to start drinking from the firehose, though. Those who have sat for Associate exams recommend the same two things — use every resource you can find and practice on the AWS console. Be ready to set up a study plan for yourself. Set aside a chunk of time to study. Use every resource you can find, including videos, labs, practice tests, and especially the AWS white papers. The white papers can get a little dry and dense, but they’re essential. The Verdict: Associate-level AWS certification is considered where you would be taking your first step toward cloud specialty. It is considered as the most common AWS certification, so there would be a LOT of study materials available. This one’s not going to be a walk in the park even if you put in hours of studying. Hence, if you wish to acquire the AWS Certification, you should check out for the study dumps which are being offered at the SPOTO Club.
  • 中文战报
    TS2 Q1:USER4拿不到地址,查看vlanaccess-map和dhcppool,都没有问题,一下子 傻了,昨晚做梦还梦到NO10NO30的了,怎么一上来就出妖怪,后来果断放弃, 先做后面的 PS:后面的做完后再专心怼这题,因为之前在sw410上看过shintstatus,没发 现有………..现象,因此也压根没往portsecurity方面去想,后来当死马活马的想 法看了端口配置,终于发现还是…………..不是一直我们习惯的shutdown,所以sh intstatus看不出来,想想真的是阴险啊。 Q2:R14上的NAT有问题,把access-listno掉第一条,然后ospf中宣告VLAN2001 即可,很好怼 Q3:R22上的loo0没有在OSPF中宣告,SW200上改了个cost值,然后去掉R10 上的route-map,你懂的 Q4:R20R21上把route-map挂上,然后去掉R20上的那个属性 Q5:R51和R60上vpn的key没有配,按照14的key加上就可以 ………………….. Q10:这一题正好考前陈老师给我交代过,远景重现,……………………放开即可 DIAG2 同思博,稳 H3 两层:刷之前特意看了一下那个nospanmstsimupvst,真的还都有的,感慨总 有奸人要害朕,在刷mst的时候直接刷掉,管它又还是没的,然后按照二层端口 表range一下端口,noshut加swmoac伺候,这下总该放心了 配EC的时候注意SW510端口和练习是反的,这一点我们平时练习的时候建议就 可以提前习惯起来了,其余的没什么坑 2.1预配R30和R31有IBGP邻居,配置都正确,……….也都有了,………….也都起 好的,不管他,安心做好ospf 2.2AS65002的OSPF都是预配好了的,我最恨有预配的,你还得我去检查,果 然S……………… 2.3同思博,注意,这个区域ospf和bgp的………… 2.4同思博 2.5同思博,为了稳妥起见,我还是在addressipv4下敲的 2.6同思博 2.7同思博,现在思科题目里再没要求…………..我也就不敲进去了 2.8只要搞清楚题目需求和解法用意,这部分敲起来就会很得心应手 2.9R14和R15已经和ISP建立邻居了,按照思博解法,该补的都补进去 2.10我看到的图是eth0/2的,我心理素质强大,照样……………稳稳过,不要慌 2.11按照思博解法,现象biu就出来了 3.1考场上的图是………..,而且预配先给你敲了………..,真的很恶心啊 RD是空的,按思博解法加上去即可 3.2这一部分就是不让你舒舒服服做完,无论是tunnel里的配置,还是crypto 的配置,都是各有所缺,大家互通有无,天下大同,现象biu一下就出来了 3.3同思博 3.4R71上面nat都是预配好的,根据…………….现象秒出,注意acl的掩码,一刷 我在这里卡了2小时 4.1同思博 4.2同思博 5.1同思博,同思博那个EEM真的很难敲,我一个快40的人,我也不知道我是 怎么背下来的 5.2同思博,敲的仔细点,这种题背好了就送分 5.3同思博 5.4同思博 题外话:由于今年3月份几乎是裸考一样的来北京送人头,因为我当时只知道有 H1H2,不知道还有H3,结果惨不忍睹,心灰意冷,后来微信上百无聊赖搜索 CCIE搜到了思博,听了介绍果断报名,我从报名到PASS好像只用了一个月多一 点,这要感谢陈老师和神烦狗,在他们细心指导下我进步很快,考前一晚上陈老 师事无巨细都给我交代了考试注意事项,有的是涉及解法的,还有的涉及考场举 止,今天印象深刻的是陈老师关照我千万吃饭最慢,考官会反感,而今天我的确 看到考官用怨恨的眼神瞅了一眼吃的最慢的那一个,进去后,估计这位老兄要被 TR伺候了吧。总之本来我都已经放弃了拿泡面盖的想法,直到遇到思博,让我 重燃信心,哪里跌倒哪里爬起来,感谢思博,陈老师,神烦狗! 还有我们的思博群很温暖,不像我一刷的时候,很孤独,今天我感觉不是一个人 在战斗!
  • 中文战报
    前言 备战接近4个月,TS、DIAG、CFG每一套考试前基本都烂熟于心,其中版本 H3、H1+花了最多的时间,H3练进了2个半小时,H1+练进了2个小时(这里推 荐卡神的懒人包,群里有得下载,CFG拼得就是速度,后面可以有更多的时间检 查错误)。TS有熟练的排错思路,1个小时内能排查全部错点。DIAG熟悉辨别每 一套,懂得怎么抓包,怎么辨别攻击者和服务器。 本次香港考试抽到的套餐是:223 TS2: 上来就秒错点,群里的TS错题库非常稳定,30分钟内解决,1个小时交卷。 考场中有些题目有明确多少个错点的,………………… Q1:SW400/401no10,no30 R40dhcp租期lease020,no掉 user4pingR40时断时续,SW400:nopassvlan2000 Q2:SW111e1/2口cost值是9,no掉即可。 之前有战报说e2/0口有设置比10大的cost值,都是同样道理,R12上show ipbgp0.0.0.0可以看到去往R14的metric值大,SW110/111上showipospfintbri 一目了然。 这里SW111有个地址租期lease040,我看到时间够用就没no掉。 Q3:R23把lo0口的ospf进程号改为1 R22奇数路由起源属性=imcomplete偶数路由起源属性=igp R23奇数路由起源属性=igp偶数路由起源属性=imcomplete 这里同时也有设置metric值,考虑起源属性选路级别更高,改起源属性。 Q4:R20/21调用route-mapLP 在neiDC2out方向做策略 Q5:R60tunnel口IP地址掩码改成24位 Q6:……………….. ………….. DIAGH2 按照题库进行选择,跟思博解法一致。 CFGH3 交卷的标准:大现象全部做出来,每题的小现象都吻合,showrun硬查都没 查出问题。能做到这一点,都不过的话,建议下次不用再来考了(我交卷那一刻 的心里就是这样想的)。 配置跟思博提供的一致,不再赘述,这里详细讲一下配完后的检查思路以及 H3中的各种坑。 一、大现象、小现象+showrun硬查 1、先查session3 (1)3.1(只建立vpnv4,没有ipv4) r3:……………….. r4:………………. r5:………………. r6:………………. 这里的现象要跟需求完全一致,包括路由负载、下一跳、as-path……………. (2)3.2+DMVPN互访 r14:DMVPN这里就是找茬,51跟60的tunnel0接口除了地址,其他都是一 样的,…………………. ====================附一下DMVPN没起来的解决方式==================== a.………………. b.………………. c.………………. d.………………. e.………………. (3)3.3 S………………. (4)3.4 User7能ping通8.8.8.8。 R71这里的配置除了cryptomap部分,其他……………….Cryptomap部分的配置 跟思博的一致。 2、再查session2 (1)2.1 ………………. (2)2.2 R14/SW100:showiprouteospf只能看到loopback口的路由。 该区域ospf预配基本都有,我补充了:SW100/101的lo1口、SW110/111 的vlan2000/2001口………………. (3)2.3 ………………. (4)2.4 R13:showipbgpsum。9个带*的邻居,其中收到110/111/100各1条路由条 目。 100这里我将e0/2口的路由顺便宣告了进来………………. (5)2.5 R13/SW110:showipbgp看一下路由条目有没有打上mia SW100:tracer10.3.100.254。注意这里是敲trace,然后再一步步敲dstsournum 这些,直接tracer不带源lo0口是不会负载的。 (6)2.6 R10/20:showiproutebgp|s10.*/16检查条目是否齐全,下一跳是否正确。 特别是R20的10.4路由,下一跳必须是R4。如果是R21,肯定是route-map配 置错误………………. (7)2.7 ………………. (8)2.8 65004/65005区域只能通告本地路由,所以可以检查:AS10000区域,是否 有GLOABALSP#2的直连路由;SW600,是否有AS10000区域的直连路由。 ………………. (9)2.9(建议跟4.1ipv6的安全、5.3ipv6dhcp一起做,可以直接用server1去 测现象了) (10)2.10和2.11 R31/R13:shippimrpmap RP和MA(个人觉得是最稳妥的配置方式) SW100配置: ippimsend-rp-anlo1scoep255gr1 ippimsend-rp-di………………. ……………….----这一步必须得配,否则R31上showipmroute,会看不到 (,组播路由条目,这也是R13ping239.250.1.1收不到 65003区域回应的原因。 SW101配置: ippimsend-rp-anlo1scoep255gr1 ippimsend-rp-dilo1sco255 做完第一题后,紧接着四台设备做过滤,再做第二题的组播。可实现免清rp,一次出 现象。rp清理的命令是cleippimrp。 另外预配中我看了,lo1口没有地址,不用管。r14和r15没一个接口加入sparse模 式,其他设备的接口都加入的,连外口r10,r11,r12的e0/0口都加入了。考场的需求和 思博提供的需求一模一样,R14/R15的接口均激活Pim,加入组播。 3、最后测session1/4/5 (1)session1 18台交换机:showspansum/showerrre………………. (2)session4 ………………. (3)session5 ………………. 二、检查二层和各种漏掉的配置 1、二层vlan&生成树………………. ………………. ………………. ………………. 最后讲几句 1、所有的设备都end到最后,再write。Dowrite有时会不生效,举个例子:H3eem那 里,我dowrite,重启后会发现eem的配置全没了。end到最后再write后恢复正常。 2、CFG要做到:大现象全出,每题的小现象全部吻合,还有showrun硬查一遍。 3、新人入手建议先做TS部分,建立一套自己的排错思路,再去敲版本。还有1个原因是 TS练熟了,你考场上可以提前交卷,这样省下来的时间可以用在CFG上。 4、每次敲完版本后,记得用文本对比软件对比一下标配,详细记录自己每一次敲错的地方。 我感觉思科也是用这种方法+人工审核(我下午4点半交的卷,4点40分就出成绩了),而 且为啥群里的大佬大现象都出了,但最后还是挂了呢?个人认为是少敲了一些命令或者敲多 了一些没用的命令,所以多用文本对比软件对比是很有好处的。 5、多跟老师和群里的大佬交流,配完CFG后,找老师、找大佬帮你加错点。我印象比较深 刻的是,我H3敲完,找了好多人帮我加错点,学了好多的排错思路。印象最深刻的是,陈 老师的20连tr,最后我还是有2处错点没排出来,用文本对比软件才发现的。 6、最后要感谢太多的人。包括家里人、同事、领导的鼓励,思博(特别是陈老师、群里的 卡神、君好几位大神)的帮助,几个月没日没夜的备战,沉迷版本日渐消瘦,除了工作,基 本跟外界失去联系了,这次考完得好好放松一下。
  • Cisco
    If you would be managing Cisco gear for your IT shop, it would be worth considering whether earning a Cisco network programmability certification could boost up your skillset and would make you more lucrative on the job. Currently, Cisco has focused its modernized roadmap on such areas as network functions virtualization, software-defined networking (SDN) and making networking platforms more open as well as programmable, which would be known as “network programmability.” Together these technologies would be forming the building blocks of intent-based networking systems, which would be enabling networking administrators for configuring networks in a more automated, agile way through software than would be possible with traditional hardware-based network configuration. If you wish to gain more details about it, you could gain the prep courses, which are being offered at the SPOTO Club. What is network programmability? Driven by real benefits like time as well as cost savings, reduction of human error, customization as well as innovation, network programmability is considered to be a set of tools as well as best practices for deploying, managing and troubleshooting network devices. The troubles that would be making network programmability something indispensable, rather than a nice-to-have, are best understood in terms of the scale, scope as well as the speed that virtualization would enable for network infrastructure. In a dynamic DevOps world when entire testing as well as development environments that would be building and destroyed within minutes, we would be expecting the network to keep up as well as be just as flexible as the other parts of the infrastructure and services that IT would now routinely provides on-demand. Think about the networking component of infrastructure like a service. Such virtual environments could be involved thousands of servers; hundreds of routers as well as IP networks; routing domains, virtual local area networks and so on Simply put, network programmability would be making managing and creating such environments a matter of writing or scripting programs to handle the functions as well as configurations involved. Once the individual elements would be tested, they could be mixed and matched as needed, changed or even removed, to keep up with changing needs as well as requirements. Getting started To gain the IT pros going down this important path to networking's future, Cisco would be also offering a pair of specialist certifications in network programmability namely the following: Network Programmability Developer certification. This is a credential that would be considered for software developers who would be focusing their efforts on the network applications layer, as it would be touching on a variety of programmable Cisco components. This credential would be seeking to cultivate and nurture foundational skills in building network applications for programmable environments which would be including the Cisco One Platform Kit, OpenDaylight Controller as well as Application Policy Infrastructure Controller. Network Programmability Design and Implementation Specialist. This credential is considered for the network engineers who would be interested in learning about as well as exploiting networking tools for programmability, orchestration, and automation. It is going to highlight the abstraction leveraging which is going to be provided by controller-based architectures for designing, configuring, deploying, and managing networking infrastructures and component elements, like the routers, gateways and so on. Candidates are going to need a Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP), Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) or Cisco Certified Design Professional (CCDP) certification for qualifying to take this specialist exam. So, now you have known about the benefits of the Cisco Certification in Networking Programmability could lead you to a good job promotion. You have also known about the importance of certain IT Certifications. If you desire to acquire any of those, you should check out the courses offered at the SPOTO Club.
  • AWS
    The latest Amazon Web Services (AWS) Solutions Architect exam would be reflecting new trends in the cloud space. Cloud infrastructure continues to expand with 2018 growth rates much higher than the previous year, according to Synergy Research. AWS dominates the global cloud-infrastructure services industry, with a market share of 34%, equal to that of the next four public cloud providers combined. Because of AWS’ dominance, IT teams would be needed to stay up to speed with the latest AWS certifications. So, we would be discussing about the strategies to prepare for the AWS Certification Exam. So, if you wish to acquire the Aruba Certification, you should acquire the training courses offered by the SPOTO Club. 5 pillars of good architecture in AWS Certification There would be 5 pillars of a well-architected IT framework–Security, Operational Excellence, Reliability, Performance, as well as Cost Optimization. The latest AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam would be diving deep into the specialized solutions for each of these 5 pillars. Two years ago, the AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam wouldn’t be considered as hard, in part, because it didn’t go as in-depth in these specific solutions. This latest exam would be focusing on ensuring IT applications follow best practices as well as the state-of-the-art architecture in each of these 5 pillars. Serverless solutions architecture In the cloud industry, everyone is moving toward serverless. Serverless computing allows developers to use code snippets to run applications that help reduce the time-consuming and complex IT task of managing software stacks on virtual servers. AWS led the charge by launching Disaster recovery How do you architect an application, so when a whole data center goes down you have a backup? This might include putting backup data on a different cloud server in a different country or location. This applies not just to the cloud, but to on-premise data centers as well. Generally, disaster recovery has four strategies. RPO expresses how much data loss a company can tolerate in terms of minutes, hours, or days. RTO reflects how much time a company’s servers are willing to be down. The lower the RPO and RTO, the more costly your disaster recovery strategy will be.  The four strategies include: Backup and restore. This involves sending backups every once in a while to the AWS cloud. When disaster strikes, you can restore data from these backups. However, there will be some data loss, depending on how frequently you schedule your backups. When it comes to restoring your data, you will have to spin up an entirely new infrastructure. Pilot light. Similar to a pilot light in your kitchen, this approach keeps critical systems like your database up and running, but does not include all of your web servers. If disaster strikes, you will still need to spin up your entire infrastructure, but you’ll have the most critical elements ready to go. Warm standby. In this case, you have a copy of your complete infrastructure up and running in another region. It’s not in use, but it’s ready to scale quickly when needed. Retail websites that might need to ramp up during big sales events can set up ramp up infrastructure in another location as a backup. Multi-sites. In this situation, organizations would have their full production load running on-premise and on the cloud, both used at the same time. By running a multi-data center, if one fails, you can failover to another one. This scenario has the lowest RPO and RTO but it’s the most expensive. However, it’s the right approach for large enterprises such as a multinational bank. Now, you have gained the knowledge regarding the AWS certification, you should gain the study dumps, which are being offered at the SPOTO Club.  
  • 中文战报
    套餐2+,2+,D3 TS2部分 1、这道题用了很长时间,10分钟没搞出来,跳过 (1)USER4怎么样也拿不到地址,检查R40没问题,SW400、401都正常 HSRP正常R40写的dhcp也正常,USER4就是拿不到地址。 在SW400SW401有这样的ACL(我就大致能记住点) access-listex111 10denyip10.0.0.0224.0.0.01985 20denyudpx.x.x 30peripanyany 最后解法 删除no10会出现HSRP出现双active,最后我把20删除了,也拿到了地址,现象也出了, 具体原理,我就不清楚了。 2、删除noipospfcost9 3、R23lo0ospf区域错误,R23setorigp配置出现像 4、R21加route-mapxout 5、R60掩码配置错误改为24位 6、SW111vlan2001,ipv6ospf1ar0,同时R15宣告………….. DIAG2+ 刚拿到D2有点懵,给的材料太多了网页下面有很多+展开,仔细一看,……….做这个的时 候,一定要看材料分清版本。 CFG 上去必配的命令(这些我都没看需求,因为前面的战报都已经提过好多次了) snmpmstsipvstglobal noipproxy-arp dia1中配置ipmtu1492 SESSION1 1、很多接口没有配置swmoacc加上去,检查这个很费时间 2、我做这套在ec接口SW300400500都是PO1SW301401501都是PO2(这个图上 标的很清楚) SESSION2 其他同思博 组播这一块 组播的时候,刚开始测试不正常,最后我把R10R11按照老师加上deny那几条,在in方 向调用真的出效果了,和现象图里的一模一样。 session3.0 我的版本中,加上IPSEC就出现问题,最后我没有加,陈老师说如果不加就扣2分,加上可 能就扣4分了,要懂得取舍。 session4.0 同思博 session5.0 同思博 今天老师tr了一个小点,R20在做route-map时,让区域65004从EBGP中优先过来, 结果老师把route-map下的条件给删除,导致10.1.0.0也是从EBGP中过来。 在考试的时候,心态很重要,考前多看一看战报,其实在做TS里的时候,根本没有我们平 时练习的难度大。 时间方面是很充足的 感谢思博的陈老师,以及群里的技术大牛们。最后祝小伙伴们早日拿到自己的CCIE,
  • 中文战报
    套餐:TS2,DIAG3,H1+ TS2: 1.no10,no30,R40:nolease 2.没排出。按照之前错点把server的vlan加入了ospf,但是现象不出,检查了R14和 R15的acl,未见对源和目的有什么动作。现场错误现象是R14,R15和R12,R13建立 ibgp.R12,R13都是rr。12,13上可以看到r14,r15发来的0.0.0.0,但是rr优选R15, 这就导致rr的client只选择R15,因此与需求违背,需求要求sw111走R14出去到。我尝试修改R14的lp来优选R14,确实优选了14,但是后来突然看到有一个 小字写不能更改bgp的attribute,改回lp后,立马又切回R15优选。我估计问题出在 igp上。show过ospf,没发现cost有问题的地方,nhs和vlan的接口都检查过了没问题。 答案应该在bt1ts2的,回来后没登陆服务器,各位可以去看看。 3.1)R23的lo0的processid不对.2)R23的igp或者incomplete有一个改下。 4.R20和R21的LP需要挂载。 5.1)R60的tunnel的ptm改成ptp。2)R60的ip地址掩码改成/24 6.…………………………. …………………………. DIAG3 加号最多的那个H3版本 CFGH1+ 此版本非常成熟和解法几乎一样,不细节描述,只是说些重点和差异的地方。 L2部分: 虽然版本是H1+,但是在spanningtree这里是H1的,奇偶vlan放进mst。用mst。 IGP部分: 此部分和版本几乎完全一样,照着来就行 BGP部分: 和题库也几乎完全一样。只是因为是h1/+所以无论要求不要求bgpdefipv4,统统先 no掉,毕竟此版本中涉及到ipv4,vpnv4,ipv6并存,可能这也是对工整性要求的初衷。 预配方面,在pe上基本上都有预配,但是在R2,R3对向上面的那两个isp发现了两个 错误地址,把R2的写到R3上来了,检查ipbgpallsum的时候很快就可以发现没建立。 其他没毛病。 IPV6部分: 考场有非常明确的拓扑用于标明区域划分,用圈标明哪些接口需要进入哪个区域,并 说明没有匡进去的接口就别宣告。明确不要用ipv6打头的命令。另外,addipv6uni下 的router-id一定不要忘记。肌肉记忆打出了好几个ipv4,后来检查出来了。 组播部分: 和解法完全一致 MPLS部分: 按照解法来。 DMVPN&IPSEC部分 解法一致。 Section4&5部分: 解法一致。 总结: 还是和之前提到一样,H1系列应该是对配置工整性的考察比较严格,因此切记自己太 多发挥,走上版本这条路就别想着自己发挥,执意自己发挥的大多后来都转行了。没 办法,教条地往下走直至考过才是捷径,过了后以后有的是发挥的空间。TS也是如此, 现象出了和得到对应分数细节就在解法里。 最后,特别谢谢陈老师mm的一路走来的热情协助,面条在碗里都化了还在陪聊呢:D
  • AWS
    How about the future of the AWS Certification exam before the Cisco changes in certification exam in 2020 Amazon offers cloud products as well as other services through its AWS (Amazon Web Services) platform. From content delivery to database migrations, AWS has become a one-stop-shop for lots of companies who would be looking for solutions to help their businesses run more effectively. But, will it change after the Cisco Changes hit the market? To understand it better, let’s have a quick summary of the Cisco Certification Exam changes which is going to occur in 2020 Summary of the Cisco Changes Changes will come into effect from February 24th, 2020 All certification levels and tracks are affected Main certification levels though would remain the same – CCNA, CCNP and CCIE Different tracks are being removed from the CCNA level Tracks are being consolidated at CCNP and CCIE level Entry-level Certification, CCENT certification is being retired since then.0 Recertification period for all certifications would be 3 years. Now, let’s know what AWS Certification is actually. What is AWS certification? Whether you would be looking forward to expanding your knowledge with an industry-recognized credential, or you would be hoping to land a good and reliable AWS job, getting certified would be required. There are several types of AWS certifications available at present, depending on your needs and goals. Before taking an AWS exam for your certification, however, it is considered to be quite important to receive the best training possible so that you would be able to ace your exam the first time around. I would recommend you to join the SPOTO Club’s AWS Certification Training Program to achieve better results. Though Cisco has been bringing out a nice set of certification programs, it wouldn’t affect the AWS Certification at all. Cisco Certifications and AWS Certifications are offered by two different institutions and both hold their equal importance in the market. Let’s discuss certain benefits of gaining the AWS Certification. Major benefits of getting an AWS certification AWS experts are in high demand Amazon controls a 33 percent share of the cloud computing market, which would be three times more than one of their biggest competitors, Microsoft. Additionally, AWS currently achieved the year-on-year growth of 43 percent, which would indicate that it is likely going to dominate the cloud computing market even more in the future. Thus, the changes in Cisco Certifications, aren’t going to affect them here. You’ll earn more likely According to a current survey of Global Knowledge, AWS certification has increased the salaries for the average certified professional by about 25.9 percent. Certified respondents have reported an average annual income of around USD 113,932, while those who didn’t have an AWS certification would be earning USD 90,512 annually on an average. Certification demonstrates a commitment to the profession Gaining the certifications takes time, effort, as well as commitment. This level of commitment would create a good impact on potential colleagues, employers, as well as partners. If you would be in the job market or considering a job change, certifications could give you an advantage while to go for the hiring process and it would also help you to stand out in a competitive market. AWS certifications could be easily earned compared to other certification Earning a certification could be hard work, no matter what certification you would be getting into. But when it comes to AWS certifications, it might not be as difficult or time-consuming as compared to other certifications. Also, if you have a good and reliable training provider, like the SPOTO Club, it would be quite easy for you to achieve the Certification in a single attempt.    
  • CCIE
    Which is better, HCIE or CCIE? This question arises in the mind of IT Candidates. Now, let’s discuss them in detail to find out which would be better to pursue. HCIE is the certification that is going to be offered by Huawei while CCIE certification is being offered by Cisco both of which have high global recognition. The worldwide market share of Huawei devices is about only 1% while Cisco Certification would be holding 70% of the market for networking devices, but that doesn’t mean that Huawei would be having no value. So, you could consider these two major points of comparison and now, you could easily imagine the scope of both the certifications. But before that, whether you opt for any of this certification, you should check out the courses, which are being offered with the SPOTO Club. Scope of HCIE: If you are going to pursue the HCIE certification, then your job opportunities might be limited to a few companies who would be utilizing the Huawei networking devices. There might be not many jobs, but as you acquire this certification, you would be demanded in these companies and hence, it could prove to be very beneficial for you. Scope of CCIE: Cisco certifications are considered to be the most prestigious IT certification in the world and it would be revealing its scope. According to the stats, there would be only 55000 CCIE certified engineers worldwide and the industries are going to need over 500,000 CCIE certified engineers. Now, you can see the job opportunities available and can imagine your growth in the future. Get more hcie jobs click there To put it in simple words, there is no comparison between HCIE and CCIE as both having differences, they both are very much beneficial to pursue. Is there a difference between CCIE and HCIE? Many people wouldn’t be very clear about the relevant information. So, let’s discuss the similarities as well as the difference between both of the Certifications. Similarity: They each have a lot of technical direction, like route exchange, security, etc. Basically more comprehensive in technology, most of the public technical knowledge as well as a small part of private technology. All IT industry network top certification. Difference: Cisco's CCIE certification has been entering China for almost 20 years. Huawei's HCIE can only be considered as an extension stage. This is not to say who is good and who is not good, but objectively describes the actual situation, but the overall domestic environmental test HCIE can learn more about Huawei's equipment. Some features and configurations are still very advantageous. Plus, they are still in the promotion stage. Therefore, the incentive for studying and testing is relatively large, and the overall cost is lower than the CCIE. There are differences in the examination methods. At present, the examination method is written +lab, HCIE has one more interview. The difficulty of interviewing is still relatively large. Because there are many human factors and the basic skills of the technology are relatively high, so the current HCIE candidates are major training institutions. Lecturer, but there are indeed many ordinary students who have cleared the HCIE exam. As far as the development prospects are concerned, CCIE because of the excessive number of exams passed (at present, the world is close to 5W people), the overall level is uneven, so there is a so-called paper, which lowers the overall salary level, but in the industry Efforts for 3-5 years, annual income of 20W is not a fantasy. Since the HCIE has just started, the prospects cannot be determined. Get more cisco ccie number verification click there. Hence, if you wish to have any of the certifications, you should gain the prep courses, which are being offered by the SPOTO Club, and enhance your chances to gain them. Read more: What is CCIE Lab, and which would be the best website to prepare for it? How should I study for the CCIE lab exam? How much does the CCIE lab exam cost? Breaking News! CCIE Lab Exam Reopen in Sep.1-Join SPOTO Lab Pre-sale Now A Comprehensive Guide to Huawei Certification Overview of Huawei HCIE-Routing and Switching Certification Exam What is the salary of getting the Huawei certification?
  • AWS
    AWS certifications would provide leverage for IT professionals with the required skills principally in deploying, designing, and operating applications and the infrastructure on Amazon Web Services looking to advance their careers. After you pass the AWS exam, you will earn the digital badges to share on the social media platform. AWS Certifications are valid for three years; you need to do AWS recertification before it is invalid. However, there are some key issues you should be aware of concerning recertification.  How Long Is AWS Certification Valid In the rapidly evolving field of cloud computing, maintaining the relevance and credibility of AWS certifications is of paramount importance. Central to this concern is the AWS certification validity period, as many professionals frequently inquire about the expiration of their hard-earned credentials. This guide is dedicated to shedding light on critical questions such as "Do AWS certifications expire?" and "How long does AWS certification last?" AWS certifications are typically valid for 3 years. But AWS certification period validity varies depending on the specific certification. Understanding this timeline is crucial for planning the AWS renewal certification process and ensuring that your expertise remains recognized and up-to-date. We will explore the intricacies of AWS certification expiration, focusing on various certifications, including the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, equipping you with the knowledge to proactively manage your AWS certification journey in the dynamic realm of cloud technology. AWS Recertification Rules:  For maintaining AWS-certified status, you are required once in a while to establish your continued proficiency on the AWS platform through what is known as “recertification.” This process helps strengthen the absolute value of the AWS certification by demonstrating to employers and customers that you are armed with the latest AWS skills, knowledge, and best practices. AWS Certifications are valid for 3 years. AWS officials require you to periodically demonstrate your continued expertise through a process called recertification to maintain your AWS Certified status. Recertification helps strengthen the overall value of your AWS Certification and shows individuals and employers that your credential covers the latest AWS knowledge, skills, and best practices.  If you would like to retake your AWS certification exam or study for the AWS Certification, you need to gain the study dumps provided by the SPOTO CLUB to get your AWS cert renewal. With SPOTO's AWS dumps, you only need to spend minimum time with 100% guaranteed to pass. Our questions are verified by IT experts and tested by passed candidates, and you can trust us. Check out the SPOTO AWS Exam Dumps to get your AWS recertification. Then you will succeed in your actual exam.  AWS Certification Renewal/Recertification Amazon Web Services (AWS) certification is valid for three years and can be renewed through a process called recertification. Recertifying your AWS Certifications demonstrates an ongoing commitment to keeping up with the latest AWS technologies, best practices, and industry trends. Here we will discuss how to renew or recertify your AWS Certification.  Preparing for Recertification Before attempting to recertify, you should make sure you have a good understanding of the new content and features introduced since your initial certification. You can do this by reading any relevant documentation from Amazon Web Services or online resources, as well as taking any available training courses.  Required Professional Development Hours (PDHs) In order to maintain their certification status, certified individuals must complete a minimum of 30 Professional Development Hours (PDHs) in the three-year period leading up to their expiration date. The PDHs must come from approved educational coursework and must be AWS-related activities such as workshops, conferences, webinars, and self-paced learning modules.  Filing Your Recertification Application Once you’ve been certified for more than two years, you can begin the recertification process by submitting an application online through the AWS website. This application will require you to provide details about your professional development hours and other relevant information about your experience with Amazon Web Services. Once your application has been approved, you will receive confirmation via email that your recertification is successful and that your credentials are now active for another three years.  Benefits of Renewing Your AWS Certification Renewing or recertifying your AWS Certification provides numerous benefits for both individuals and organizations alike. For professionals, it provides recognition that they have kept up with current technologies and best practices in cloud computing – a key asset in today’s competitive job market. At an organizational level, it ensures all team members are consistently up to date on the latest technology developments – leading to more efficient workflow processes and improved customer experiences overall. Recertification for the Foundational-level certification:  Take the Cloud Practitioner exam You could retake the current AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam to recertify your foundational-level of certification. You can use your 50% discount voucher from the Benefits section of your AWS Certification account to recertify or apply it to any future certification exam you wish to pursue. Earn an Associate-level or Professional-level certification You can also satisfy the recertification requirement bypassing any Associate-level or Professional-level certification. Recertification for the Associate-level certification: Take the Associate exam You can take the Associate-level exam for the certification you already have. For example, if you are an AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate, you can retake the current AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate exam to recertify. You can use your 50% discount voucher from the Benefits section of your AWS Certification account to recertify or apply it to any future certification exam you wish to pursue. Earn a Professional-level certification You can also satisfy the recertification requirement by passing either the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional exam for the Architect path or AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional exam for the Developer or Operations path. For example, if you pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional exam, this will satisfy your AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate recertification requirement. Recertification for the Professional-level certification: Take the Current Professional-level exam You can take the current Professional-level exam for the certification you already have. For example, if you would be an AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional, you could retake the current AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional exam to recertify. You can use your 50% voucher from the Benefits section of your AWS Certification account to recertify or apply it to any future certification exam you wish to pursue. Recertification for the Specialty certification: Take the Current Specialty exam You can take the current Specialty exam for the certification you already have. For example, suppose if you are an AWS Certified Security – Specialist, you could retake the current AWS Certified Security – Specialty exam to recertify. You can use your 50% discount voucher from the Benefits section of your AWS Certification account to recertify or apply it to any future certification exam you wish to pursue. AWS Certification, as well as recertification, would include lots of hard work and persistence and it is never going to be an easy task. Thus, it is recommended that the candidates get themselves enrolled, in certain preparation courses, offered by some reputed firms like the SPOTO CLUB.  If you want to pass the AWS exam in the first try, get SPOTO 100% real exam dumps for a single success! Read more: What qualifications do I need to complete the AWS certification? Where can I get the latest AWS exam materials?  How long would it take to become AWS certified? AWS certification in 2020: is it worth it? Where Can I Get the AWS Developer Associate Exam Dump? What study material should I use for AWS Solutions Architect Professional?  
  • 中文战报
    前言 我住的铜锣湾利景酒店到鹰君中心步行就只有15分钟,我早上7点22分就 到鹰君中心31楼,第一个到。传说中的ERIC大概8点到,他带我们7个人去29 楼,检查身份证件和讲解注意事项用了15分钟,白板上有个图,powercycle: 是重启机器,reload:是删除已写入的配置,重新恢复初始配置(慎点),endsession 是结束提交,做完TS和CFG都需要点endsesssion结束提交。今天是疯狂坐过 山车的一天,心情绝对是刺激。现在开始过山车之旅: TS2(紧张刺激的TS2) 由于平时练习都是用笔记本的键盘敲,很久没用普通的大键盘敲,感觉每敲 一个字都用很大的力气。 Q1一开始是先检查SW400和SW401,发现写了个VLANACL, route-mapext111 10permit10.4.0.0XXXXX ………………… 就去no10,发现user4还是拿不到地址,做了12分钟,开局就不利,这时 心情就很紧张,没找到解法就去做下一题,做完第10题回来想起有可能是SW410 的端口安全问题,回来对比SW410和USER4的端口MAC地址,发现真的是, 就去noSW410switchportport-securitymac地址,但no完后重新在SW410上写 正确的swtichportport-securitymac地址,showruninte0/0去看,竟然发现没了 swtichportport-securitymac地址这条命令,再添加一次,竟然报错,说mac 地址重复,最后这题错点是找到,但还是没做出来。事后想起如果改USER4的 MAC地址就不会出现报错了。 Q2:R14NAT有个ACL10deny10.需要no10,还有SW111 vlan2001没有加入ospf,vlan2001需要接入ospf Q3:R10挂载的route-map中local-pre1000去掉,R23的lo0宣告进ospf Q4:R20的route-map中有setext-community属性删除. Q5:DMVPN这题,三台设备比对就好,R14有配ipnhrpauthen密码,把R51 和R60补上,R14加上ipnhrpredirect,R60其中一个ipsec部分配置不一样,直 接复制正确的覆盖即可。 ……………………. PS:TS2就有两题没做出来,心想这次很可能就挂了,但是TS是可以容许错 两题2分题的,即使这次挂在TS上,也要调整心情,把DIAG和CFG都做完, 因为如果要二考,也需要尽量拿多一点的经验,TS,DIAG,CFG的经验都需要,如 果认为TS失败了就离场不考,那么DIAG,CFG的经验就拿不到,不能最大化的吸 收失败的经验。 DIAG是H3(和解法一样) 第一题 1.上来第一题就需要捉包,………………… 2.………. 第二题 输入………….. CFGH3 和解法一样,这部分也是这次我做的最顺利的一次,一开始是各种二层的图, 大部分的交换机都需要将端口划分到指定的VLAN里,然后是各种BGP图. Section1 我一开始就按照提供的图…………然后SW300和SW301有个nospanpvst simmst……………………,………这个第一部分4小题做完加上每台交换机端口VLAN 划分,花费了我一个小时,但是这很重要,之前有同学就挂在这上面。交换机端 口划分我是建议一开始就做,因为做到后面,如果出现自TR或者被考官TR,就没 时间去做这个交换机端口VLAN划分,这么简单又重要的事情还是开始就做。 Section2 和解法一样,就是需要在各个区域的路由器和交换机上检查漏配的………….. 2.5部分还是建议在addipv4下面做吧,因为我在练习的时候试过SW100未重 启之前是可以负载均衡的,但重启后就不能了,还需要重新写一次命令,在 addipv4下就不会出现这个问题。 2.8路由过滤,……….. 2.10-2.11我是直接去看2.11R13的图,图上是…………… Section3 1.1…………… 其他部分和解法一样 Section4 和解法一样 Section5 和解法一样 总结: 1.敲CFG一边敲一边检查,到下午3点才敲完,但所有大小现象都出了, 比较顺利,我重头到尾检查了两次,没有自TR。平时敲完版本一定要用对比 软件查看漏掉什么命令,直到没有发现错漏的时候就是你上考场的时候。 2.有条好用的命令,”shhisall“可以查看你在设备上哪个时间曾经写过什 么命令,包括如果考官在设备上做过的改动,都可以看到。 3.保存配置需要end,再wr.如果直接用dowr.有时候明明保存了的东西, 也会没有,我在练习的时候就试过。 早期知道思博的名字是在网上看到红茶三杯的视频,觉得思博的教学还不 错,就打电话到思博去咨询,本来想报SP方向,但在林教父的讲解下,最终还 是报了路由和交换方向,现在证明选的方向还是正确的,毕竟这次有惊无险考 过CCIE。最后要多谢思博各位前辈提供的战报,还有陈老师的耐心指导,在周 末晚上都帮我改试卷到很晚。最后预祝准备考试的同学早日拿到CCIE号。
  • Microsoft
    The Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD) program would be designed for software developers in order to demonstrate their ability to construct solutions using both in-person and cloud technologies. This certification would be serving as the global standard for developers, and professionals who would be looking to earn this certification are required to have experience using different Microsoft languages and tools to analyze and create enterprise solutions. Software developers, which would include application developers, work in a range of industries. As technology would be advancing, the pervasiveness of applications, especially mobile applications, has become a prerequisite of success for businesses in all fields. The majority of such application developers work full-time in an office setting, though some may be able to telecommute. Thus, achieving this certification wouldn’t be an easy task, unless you acquire the study dumps offered under the SPOTO Microsoft Dumps. Certification Requirements There would be no education requirement for MCSD certification, but many software developers are found to be holding at least a bachelor's degree. Microsoft would be recommending having at least 1-2 years of experience with a particular technology solution for many required certification exams. Microsoft Certified Professional Developers are expected to have strong problem solving and communication skills, along with expertise in .NET Framework, Visual Studio, and other software development programs. If you wish to achieve this certification, do check out the courses offered at the SPOTO CLUB Microsoft Modules. Step 1: Researching Certifications and Choosing a Correct Certification Path: Step one is to research the certifications and choose a certification path. Developers and other professionals looking to earn an MCSD certification must first decide which product or application they want to become certified in and choose from the six different MCSD modules offered by Microsoft. Some are designed for those working with Web-based applications, others are for Web-based client development and still, others are for application development. Before you make your final decision, it's a good idea to become familiar with Microsoft products. Since these certifications are going to be focused on specific programs, you would be benefitted by becoming familiar with various Microsoft technologies and choosing the product that you want to focus on early in the process. Also, look for a good study dumps provider, like that offered under the SPOTO Microsoft Certification. Step 2: Complete a Certification Prep Course After selecting proper Certification Path, for step two, you would have to complete a certification prep course. I would suggest you check out the courses offered at the SPOTO Microsoft Exam Section. Although there are no formal education prerequisites for certification, individuals preparing for certification exams can enroll in optional training courses which are being provided at SPOTO Club. These courses would be available for specific exams and are going to focus on essential exam topics. Step 3: Seek Further Certification The last step would be to earn your certificate and seek further certification. Microsoft would be offering several other certifications that would be able to help you to IT professionals find employment and increase their earning potential. In addition to the MCSD certification, Microsoft would be also offering the Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE) option. As with MCSD, this certification would be featuring several specializations, which allows the students to concentrate on their selected areas of expertise. Hence, if you wish to have this certification, it is strongly recommended you to gain some good preparation courses, which would be offered at the SPOTO Club.