• Huawei
    Well, most of the people simply try to search on Google and what they would be finding is a bunch of useless text files as well as PDFs, filled with questions copied and pasted from documentation, incorrect answers as well as obsolete exam versions. Let's make it short, what you would be going to get is just a bunch of useless files which will just increase your storage on your computer. The best way to gain this would be by acquiring through some good practice tests. Huawei HCIA Routing &Switching H12-211 Exam Huawei HCIA Routing and Switching H12-211 Exam which would be related to Huawei Certified Network Associate-Huawei Network Technology Device Certification. This exam is going to validate the Candidate skill and knowledge of small and medium-sized networks as well as general network technologies. It would be also dealing with the ability to assist the design of small and medium-sized networks, as well as implementing the designs using Huawei routing and switching devices. This exam would be verifying a Candidate’s having a strong understanding as well as skills to construct simple networks and integrate voice, wireless, security, cloud, and storage technologies into their networks for supporting a variety of applications. H12-211 Exam topics Candidates are required to know the exam topics before they would be starting of preparation. Because, if they do, it would be really going to help them, in hitting the core. Huawei H12-211 dumps would be including the following topics: IP Network Principles LAN Technologies WAN Technologies Routing Technologies Network Security Network Management IPv6 Networks Who should take the H12-211 exam The Huawei H12-211 Exam is considered to be an internationally recognized validation that would be identifying the persons who could earn it as possessing skilled as Huawei Certified Network Associate-Huawei Network Technology Device Certification. If candidates wish to significant improvement in career growth need enhanced skills, knowledge, and talents. The Huawei Certified Network Associate-Huawei Network Technology Device certification would be providing proof of this advanced skill and knowledge. If a candidate would be having the knowledge of associated skills and technologies that would be required to clear the Huawei H12-211 Exam then he should take this exam. How to study the H12-211 Exam? H12-211 Practice exams are built to make students comfortable with the real exam environment. Statistics would be showing the most students who would have failed not due to that preparation but due to exam anxiety the fear of the unknown. SPOTO Club Expert Team recommends you prepare some notes on these topics along with it don’t forget to practice Huawei H12-211 dumps which been written by our Experts Team, this would help you a lot to clear this exam with good marks. Why Choose SPOTO Club? Huawei Certification Exams is a new tendency in the IT industry. You can 100 % pass the Huawei certification exams in the first try with SPOTO Club’s dumps. 100% latest as well as Valid and reliable Huawei certification questions and answers. SPOTO Club’s Huawei exam dumps are verified by professional Huawei tutors. Take the Huawei Certification real questions and discover your strengths and weaknesses in the Huawei Exam. With Huawei exam dumps, you would be able to pinpoint the areas of the subject which would be needing work and strengthen them. Highlights of SPOTO Club H12-211 Exam Dumps: 100% Accurate Questions from the real exam for ensuring that you fully prepare & pass. Up-To-Date Oracle Exam Dumps would be ready in one week if there are any update strikes. Real Exam Environment which would be allowing you to adapt to the exam quickly. Technical Support Timely be a key to pass your exam at first try. VIP Service Team updates you on the latest Amazon Oracle exam & dump information.  
  • 中文战报
    TS1、DIAG3、H3 一、TS1: 1)、101、SW2的e1/0端口安全配置的MAC、R8的DHCP配置的client-identifier不同。SW2/R8 修改成101的e0/0相同MAC,shutdown、noshutdown端口即可。 2)、R17的s4/0增加pppipcproutedefault后,cleariproute*。 3)、R21的e2/0的ip地址掩码从/30改成255.255.255.248 4)、R12在routereigrp145,nopassive-interfacee1/0;R11/R12/R13/R14的eigrp的邻居建立, 但是metric是435200,考场现象是要求1703 增加routereigrp145 metricweights011111后显示正确的1703. 5)、R1-R2之间的OSPF的接口类型配置是point-to-point的,无需修改; R5的BGP增加route-reflector-client; R21:neighbor134.56.78.6route-mapMEDout改成neighbor134.56.78.6route-mapMEDin, 并把修改local-preference的route-map应用到对内IBGP的邻居。 R22:同样修改neighbor134.56.78.14route-mapMEDout为neighbor134.56.78.14route-map MEDin。clearipbgp*soft软清下BGP。 R12:shipbgp123.3.3.3查看路由只有1条路由,后检查R4的BGP下配置了聚合 aggregate-address123.0.0.0255.0.0.0summary-only,删除后软清下BGP。 6)、IPV6的BGP邻居建立正常,下一跳的路由策略正确。R25在addripv6…………………. ……………… 二、DIAG3 按DIAG材料解法。最后一题要选择tclshhttp://10.1.1.x...,我是通过抓包文件过滤HTTP, 只有2条记录,选择里面有具体的URL 三、CFGH3 整体的配置基本相同 1.1二层对照图里的端口、VLAN做修改,很多接口少了switchportmodeaccess,个别接口有 shutdown的情况,noshutdown开启。 1.2链路聚合,SW510的组1、组2跟SW310/SW410是反的。 1.3同spoto 1.4同spoto 2.1同spoto注意R30/R31要配置default-inoral 2.2同spoto,OSPF有部分预配,……………. 2.3R41-R100的OSPF进程为2其他同spoto 2.4同spoto,注意md5为cisco、R13的route-reflector-client,R10/R11/R12/R14/R15的nei 2.5同spoto,………… 2.6同spoto,EBGP配置已有,增加以下配置,……. ……………… 2.7同spoto 2.8同spoto 2.9同spoto, 2.10、2.11同spoto,现象图R13的showippimrpmap显示infosource是SW100的接口IP, 3.1同spoto,OSPF已有预配,………. ……………. 3.2………….. 3.3同spoto,………….. R60的NAT配置没有预配,需要增加。 3.4采用route-map方式配置NAT,R71上的NAT有预配,只需检查下即可。Cryptomap配 置参照R24的修改。 4.1同spoto 4.2同spoto 5.1同spoto,其中dot1dBridge考场能配置 5.2同spoto 5.3同spoto 5.4同spoto 最后感谢SPOTO的帮助!感谢陈老师及给予帮忙的相关朋友!祝大家顺利通过!
  • 中文战报
    HK223战报 前言 我早上大概7点40左右到的31楼,发现大家来的都挺早的,又站在那等了 一会,大概8点零几分的样子,传说中的HK考官Eric大神终于见到真人了。一 开始也是重复重复又重复的动作,检查证件,然后讲了很多考场注意事项,包括 黑板上的图,endsession、重启按钮、恢复到预配等,反正这些我全程都没用到, 也就懒得去点开这些管理界面了。废话不多说,下面简单讲下考试战报。 TS2:大概抽到了最简单那一套,基本秒错点,运气不错。 Q1:USER4和SW410的port-security的mac不一致,修改USER4的MAC,并补 上ipadddhcp,因为R40的pool是network形式,就不用加client-id,pool的时 间租期删掉; Q2:两个错点:1、R14的nat源ACL问题,考场记得好像是: 10deny10. 20per10. 直接no10解决。 2、SW111中dhcppool的时间租期no掉。 Q3:这题两个错点,同练习一样:R10挂载的route-map中local-pre1000去掉, R23的lo0宣告进ospf就OK了。PS:同前面战报讲的,R22/R23的route-map 也没有设置起源属性,不要被这个给误导了,这题其实很简单,但是可能出现象 比较慢,要等好久,当时我都有些紧张,第三题就没做出来,手都有些抖,最后 还是很亮很久重新测了一遍,全部OK,trace路径很慢,正好趁这段时间放松下 心情,迎接下面的题。 Q4:这题卡了很长时间,一开始查看R20的route-map中有setext-community 属性删除,很长的一段,具体不太记得了,一开始就秒这个错点,软清后,现象 一直出不来,我又把这个给加上了,就去查了别的配置,也没搞出来,后来没办 法反复再次删除这个community,硬清bgp好了,现象出来,推荐你们以后TS 就硬清吧。 Q5:DMVPN这题,三台设备比对就好,好像R14有配ipnhrpauthen密码,把 R51和R60补上,R14加上ipnhrpredirect,R51还是R60其中一个ipsec部分配 置不一样,直接复制正确的覆盖即可。 Q6…………… DIAG部分:H2,同思博平时练习一模一样。 Q1:第1题选择CE2最高的HSRP优先级。 ………. CE1。 …………… ………… CFG部分 一点开CFG的界面,不出意外弹出的是H3的拓扑,一点开有好几页的拓扑图, 有DMVPN的,MPLSVPN,还有二层的一堆图,真正用的着的就是BGP那张图, 一看图,我这套版本MPLS区…………. 整个版本中,大体同平时练习的一样,就只有几处差别,首先就是前面战报中讲 到泛滥的………………二层就这样。 二层中,spanportf、spanmst配置同练习一模一样,注意就是SW300和SW301 上面预配有nospanpvstsimmst,以前战报也经常提到这个,………….建议以后练 习,就加上这条命令刷好了,当然了,4台设备…………..别忘了刷上。 S1.4PPPoE部分,同平时一样,直接刷上去就好,记得带…………… S2.1AS65003的ospf全程没预配,按照练习的方式直接刷,最后配置ipospf name那几条命令就好。PS:检查发现整个cfg所有设备都没有预配ipmulticast-r、 ippimautorplis、iphost这几条命令,我就习惯在这里一起全部刷了。 S2.2DC1区域的ospf和bgp的router-id已经预配全都有的,而且大部分接口也 全部宣告进ospf,就个别像SW100/SW101的lo1要补上ipospf1a0,预配 SW100/SSW101的vlan2000/vlan2001不需要passive,只需要加上关键命令 prefix-suppuress,全程都需要检查预配,很费时间,还不如刷脚本来的快。 PS:考场上的R14还是R15配置有汇总路由,还有很多123网段的loopback接 口,不知道有啥用,我也宣告进ospf了,……………. S2.3AS65004部分,ospf及bgp都预配了router-id,甚至bgp配置很完整。只需 配置接口宣告oapf,R42需要配置…………….. S2.4-2.5这两部分一起做,addition部分建议还是在ipv4地址族下配置,因为看 到很多设备预配都带有addipv4的,………… S2.6-2.8部分………… ……………… …………….. ………….. PS:此处刷脚本没注意,自tr了一个坑,就是R20的route-map里面忘记配置 matipaddprefixLARGE-OFFICE了,造成后面很多现象图连环不对,容后面在述。 S2.9ipv6部分,这部分同练习的一模一样,按照解法来就好。 S2.10-2.11组播部分:首先看S2.10的现象图,并没有显示send-rp-d要用E0/2 还是lo1,翻到S2.11看到R13的ippimrpmap现象图,显………………..这题前面 战报或者QQ群都讨论了很久,有多种方案,……………….其他的同练习的都一 样,…………………. S3.1MPLSVPN部分:ospf全部已经配好,………………按照平时练习的脚本直接刷 就好。 S3.2DMVPN……………… S3.3SW600上Internet,……………. S3.4ipsecvpn部分,R71和R24端,同解法一样,………….. S4.1-5.4特性部分,这两部分没啥好说的,同解法一模一样,硬背下来就好。 ………………….. Snmp部分,考场上dot1dBridge可以直接敲上去,其他的就没什么了。 最后,重点检查部分,主要就是检查现象图和………………. 然后几个现象图,基本每个Section的现象图,同练习的一样多,最后PS提醒 下,………………… 总结:整个cfg配置并不难,只要平时练习时细心,就没啥问题的。今天考试可 能是因为上午没想到太顺利,到中午12:15分去吃饭的时候,我就已经做到S2.7 了,以为稳过了,下午就只剩3个VPN了。中午吃的是汉堡,薯条, 可乐,超大一汉堡,旁边一哥们全部吃的个精光,真是佩服!!! 下午继续的时候,可能自己太放松了,下午的内容就慢慢敲,3大VPN部分,我 也是很顺利的一次性全部up的,没有任何意外发生,做完全部配置时候,已经 到了快2点40左右,检查现象,MPLSVPN的那4个现象图,有两个匹配不上, 这可是连锁反应,有可能影响到版本能不能过了。检查了很久,没找出来,当时 就慌了,各种软清、硬清bgp就是不好使,检查R20通告给R4的路由就只有、及0.0.0.0这3条,默认应该至少有10.1和10.3也有的,这个 就是没找出来原因,最后还是一把梭,showrun大法,终于找到了是因为R20 调用的route-map中漏配matipaddpreLARGE-OFFICE这个关键参数。等全部现 象出来,showrun每条设备关键配置,然后挨个endwr完后,已经大概快4点 了。整个过程还是挺惊险的,时间明明很充裕,结果被我用成了惊险通过,另外 还要感谢Eric不杀之恩,全程没有tr,要不然就很悬了。最后还是要说下,香港 考场的环境很不错,考官人很好,全程在另外一个小房间内忙自己的事,根本就 没空tr你。鼠标确实如同前人所说的,有点飘,但还没有到不能用的地步;键 盘可能被众多大神啪啪啪的揉捏太多,很多按键的字母看不清了,这对像我这种 平时需要看键盘敲得有些影响,刚开场我想找老师要求换个键盘,后来想想怕影 响不好,就没有声张;当然很多达到盲敲水准的人,就无关紧要了。最后再说下, 考场的空调确实很大,记得带外套,旁边一个考安全的同仁,就吹着短袖T恤, 整整冻了几个小时。 最后,感谢思博全体老师的辅导帮助,以及群里一些热心的大神的帮助,才 使得我能够顺利的通过ccie考试,因为我原先是从事别的工作,跨行转到网络的, 所以NA、NP就没有系统学习过,都是网上视频教程自学一部分,GNS3练习一 部分这些野路子过来的,到了IE阶段才报了思博培训班,能够通过考试,感谢 所有人的帮助,鼓励。我才能走到这里,谢谢!!最后祝群内所有的学员都能顺 利通过lab,拿到自己的CCIE号码!
  • Cisco
    CCIE/CCDE Program Evolution Cisco has led the way in building the workforce of the future by evolving its certification programs. On July 25, 2016, an Evolving Technologies domain focusing on cloud, network programmability, and Internet of Things (IoT) was introduced to all CCIE/CCDE-level written exams. This domain, worth 10 percent overall, ensures that all CCIE/CCDE candidates have a clear understanding of important cloud, network programmability, and IoT concepts and are uniquely equipped to participate in meaningful discussions with business leaders about new technical areas that can help drive business outcomes in global enterprises. The Evolving Technology domain would be updated as new and evolving technologies that would be adopted and developed by the industry. More mature as well as track-specific evolving technologies would be added to the track-specific exam topics as the time elapses. Also along with this Learning Matrix, you would require to gain a good and reliable study dumps provider. I would recommend to check out the SPOTO Club. Evolving Technologies Exam Topics The following topics are general guidelines for the content likely to be included in the exam. However, other related topics might also appear on any specific delivery of the examination. To better reflect the contents of the exam as well as for clarity purposes, the guidelines below would change at any time without prior notice.  Evolving Technologies v1.1 Recommended for candidates scheduled to take any expert-level written exam ON August 30, 2018, and beyond. Evolving Technologies v1.1 Recommended for candidates scheduled to take any expert-level written exam ON August 30, 2018 and beyond. A.1    Cloud   Show Details   A.2    Network Programmability   Show Details   A.3    Internet of Things   Show   Study Resources For helping you out to prepare for the Evolving Technologies domain within the CCIE/CCDE written exams, they are offering both reference material as well as Tech Seminars to supplement your experience of learning. These resources are intended to be used as a reference and not to provide a complete list of all resources available. There is no guarantee that you will be able to pass the exam by only referring to content provided within these resources, but it will certainly prove to be a starting point for you to improve your skills, which will serve as the foundation you need to build upon. You are encouraged to use any other resources at your discretion during your exam preparation. Learning Matrix The below list is comprised of learning materials suggested by the exam development team to help you prepare for the examination. They have not required study resources; however, they can be used to help build knowledge in certain areas. These learning materials would be available in a downloadable file as well as are organized by exam topic which would be allowing you to customize your exam preparation. Goal The goal of this learning matrix is to help you out in attaining your goal to be certified by providing study resources that would be tailored to your own needs. It is intended to be utilized as a reference, not to provide a complete list of all resources which would be available. The matrix would be primarily focused on the content of Cisco and Cisco Press. These widely available preparation resources is considered to be specific chapters of books, Cisco Live 365 presentations, Cisco Validated Design documents, courses, webinars, Solution Reference Network Design documents (SRNDs), videos on demand (VoDs), white papers, case studies, design guides, Design TechNotes, reference guides, and much more. So, now you have learned about the perks of using the Learning Matrix. This would be lots of effective if you combine it with the study dumps provided by the SPOTO Club.
  • Cisco
    There would be five levels of Certification that would be offered by Cisco from entry-level to expert, and some of the common key skills that your employees would be acquiring, which would be including the troubleshooting skills, communication skills, analytical skills, organizational skills, customer service skills, familiarity with Cisco as well as Microsoft Office Suite. CCNA certification is considered to be one of the most widely respected IT certification programs because it would be adding value and helps networking professionals to advance in their careers. If you are looking forward to achieving the Cisco Certification, you should gain the boot camps to ensure your success, but through a good and reliable source, like the SPOTO Club.  Why is Boot Camp Training considered to be the Best Training Option? If you are an employer, then your business would be standing to benefit much after your IT professionals would be earning Cisco’s certification. Although it is considered to be a mid-level certification, your employees would be having the skills as well as knowledge for installing, configuring, and troubleshooting networks. One of the best ways for training your employees should be considered through a CCNA Boot Camp. Boot camps are considered to be the classes that would be specializing in hands-on training with switched networks by focusing on Cisco technology, firmware, hardware, as well as software. Your employees would be in a class of other IT professionals, as well as skilled instructors will lead them during their studies.  Benefits of Cisco Boot Camps They are immersive: This is considered to be the key to imparting true understanding, especially in the world of IT Certification. A Boot Camp provides an immersive environment that would enable the cementation of core principles and knowledge permanently in your worker's brains. They are intensive: Other than being immersive, Cisco training Boot Camps are also considered to be quite intensive. Your employees would be completing their studies in an environment that is free from distractions. The learning is accelerated, and it ensures that as soon as the learners master one concept or technique, they would be moving on to the next. However, instructors would be testing the learners’ skills constantly for ensuring high information retention. Hands-on experience: Some training programs which would be working through theories as well as simulations. However, Boot Camps would be combining both theory work as well as software simulations with hands-on work using real-life hardware. This would be helping to improve conceptualization as well as understanding and ensures that learners would have the needed working knowledge of all the physical components in the network. Enhancing Employee Performance: Employee certification would be paying dividends when it comes to their performance. As per the survey which would be conducted by IDC research, CCNA certified employees are found to be 42 percent more successful in solving as well as completing tech problems. The managers also discovered that certified employees would be more serious in their work, and they tend to stay up to date on the latest innovation as well as advancement. Complete Tasks in a Speedy Manner: When it comes to successfully resolving networking problems or jobs, CCNA certified employees would tend to outperform their peers. Because CCNA certified employees would be trained systematically, they could be entering into networks that would be created by other Cisco certified professionals as well as anticipate problems by connecting the dots. Customer Satisfaction: For any business, the biggest metric is considered to be customer satisfaction. This would be another area where your Cisco-certified staff could help you out. Your team could be determined and find out their requirements for security, scalability, capacity, as well as network performance, and designing a network structure that would be meeting all these requirements. Hence, if you wish to clear the Cisco Certification Exam, you need to gain good and reliable boot camps. I would recommend you to join the SPOTO Club.  
  • 中文战报
    TS2 Q1:SW410端口安全问题,修改mac地址就好 Q2:R14的NAT调用的ACLdeny掉了server的网段,进入ACL,no掉deny Q3:R10有错误的route-map调用,进入该route-map,no掉set的本地优先值 R22的loop0需要配置OSPF Q4:R22的route-map里有setcom.....no掉即可 Q5:R60的ipsec的密码没有配置,需要从R14上复制下来 DIAG 解法稳的一批 多说一句,心态要调整好,相信思博,我之前也由于觉得DIAG的练习感觉不像真实考试, 所以心态有点炸,考前一晚,半夜2点睡不着还起床看DIAG,实际到了考场看见试题,一 切也都了然于胸,自己都笑了,觉得担心过度。 H3 思博的解法与前一个月老哥们的战报结合,稳如狗。 我被tr了MPLS区域里的R5,R6的BGPaddipv4vrfXXX,整个给我删了,够狠。 再多说一句,考试的时候还是按自己最舒服的习惯来解题,不要搞什么幺蛾子,我就是个列 子,在练习的时候,已经做到了一个区域一个区域的进行配置并且也一直都是这么来的,考 试的时候,也不知道哪根筋不对,变成了一个section一个section的解题,然后到最后脑 子都浆糊了,千万不要像我一样。 最后的话: 如果是从外地去考场的大兄弟,如果条件允许还是提前几天到目标城市吧,别像我一样心大, 把自己弄的很被动,心情很受影响。感谢给予我帮助的助教,老师,大兄弟们!感恩!感恩!
  • 中文战报
    信思博,得number! TS2: 和BJ-8.21的战报一模一样,这里就不多写了。写一下我觉得有困惑 的注意点: Q1:上来直接SW410看showinterfacestatus,发现没有接口被 shutdown,然后就天真开始去查SW400的ACL啊啥的,搞了10 分钟,居然还是获取不到地址……放弃,继续做其他的。后来做完一 遍回头,灵机一动,看看…………………….,果然不对,后来改了之后 通了。然后继续检查,检查完一遍,回头测试,user4居然又ping 不通10.4.40.40,但是能tracert通,隐隐约约记得说过OSPF的 passive接口的问题,去掉vlan2000的passive。又通了,继续检 查一遍,回来,又发现不通(R40的lease我一开始就删了),起了 怪了,难道配置了其他的奇怪策略?一顿倒腾,发现我在SW400ping 一下user4的地址就能通了。最后把SW410的E0/0的配置default 掉,重新配置,能ping通,就直接交卷了。 后来跟老陈说,她说这正常……也不管了吧,正常就正常咯。 Q3Q7也碰到了之前一个大神说的最后几跳路径不一致的问题,直 接忽视 ………………………………….. 其他都跟21号的一样,我也就Q1卡了一会,但是我觉得10000多 都交了,不要着急,所以检查了很多遍,大概用了1个小时45分钟 吧。 DIAG H2,看到R3的showippimrpmapping那么多0,你懂的。1分 钟点完,上厕所…… H1 和思博一模一样,最让我佩服的是:R20的E0/0没有配置IP地址, 这个我练习的猜想肯定是思博乱搞出来,然后考的时候一看,cao, 居然真的没有,心里对思博的敬佩之心再度升级。 说一下几个我觉得要注意的点: 1.二层非常重要。我练习的时候二层一次都没错过,好在今天我看 到是H1,慢悠悠地打开所有路由器一个个点对点ping,结果还 真发现了一个接口配错VLAN,果断改了。所以这一步大家一定 不要省,抽到H1,已经注定你有大把大把时间,二层还是要好好 测试一下。 2.MPLS区域R2和R3又VRF的配置(省了我不少功夫),但是这 里面有个坑,需求里面有一句,………………….R6上没有预配 置,………………………。另外,基本所有的BGP有………………… 3.R10上过滤的问题,我的习惯是做这个区域,R8R10R11show iproutebgp,只要下一跳不是R9的,就要干掉。然后,的确 会有很多其他乱七八糟的地址段,但是都是从R9进来的,只有是从R10进来的,所以又完全跟思博一样配置过 滤就行。 其他同思博。走完心中只有一个字在回荡:稳!!!!! 最后说说自己的准备考试的历程吧。 从开始工作就想着要考个CCIE,后面报了某培训班,真的服服帖帖 的,完全是在自学……(所以后面碰到谁要考NA/NP/IE,我都叫他 们别乱报名,要报就报思博)。后面5月份及时止损,报了思博,果 然不一样,至少讲解视频的老师是让我觉得比我牛逼的人……然后就 开始敲,期间也遇到很多问题,群里的兄弟和助教特别给力,让我深 刻体会到有人一起讨论和指点迷津的感觉真好。本来计划7月份考, 后来发现挺难的(敲H2让我对自己的技术水平产生了怀疑),就计 划10月份,后来又有变动,就7月26日的时候临急临忙改到8月 23日,改的时候H3都还没敲完一次;后来每周一次模拟考,第一 次H3我还是偷偷瞄了解法才配完;第二次H1觉得自己还是可以的 嘛;第三次发现自己TS1完全不行,后来就花了1天把TS1中8个 中的6个都敲了一遍。考试倒数5到2天,重新把除了H2的全部都 敲了一次,做了N次DIAG,终于觉得心里有点数了。 最后很开心遇到莫总和吴总,大家在酒店一起把版本啊,DIAG啊, 前几天战报啊,TS啊都一起对着过了一遍,心里就更加踏实了。最 后上战场,当看到是H1的时候,差点笑出了声,上个厕所,稳稳地 慢慢配,越配越觉得思博牛逼。 所以,讲了这么多,就是要说:新思博,得number!
  • Cisco
    The Cisco CCIE Routing and Switching Lab Exam version 5.0 is considered to be an eight-hour, a hands-on exam that requires a candidate to plan, design, implement, operate, and troubleshoot complex security scenarios for a given specification. Knowledge of troubleshooting is considered to be an important skill as well as candidates would be expected to diagnose and solve issues as part of the CCIE Routing and Switching lab exam. CCIE R&S Lab Exam consists of 3 Sections and we are going to discuss one of them, which would be the Configuration Section. Also, you are going to need a good and latest reliable exam dumps, like that offered by the SPOTO Club, if you wish to clear the CCIE R&S Lab Exam in a single attempt. CCIE R&S v5 Lab Configuration module: The Configuration module would be providing you set up very close to an actual production network which would be having various security components providing various layers of security at different points in the network. Though the major part of the module is based on virtual instances of the Cisco security appliances, the candidate may be asked to work with physical devices as well. At the very beginning of the module, the candidate would be having the full visibility of the entire module. A candidate could choose to work in the sequence in which the items are going to be presented or could resolve items in whatever order it would seem to be preferable and logical. Get more ccie security 5.0 click there. When working in the Troubleshooting module, the candidate could choose to borrow up to 30-minutes from the five hours which are going to be allotted for the Configuration module. The result is that the total time the candidate would have to complete the Configuration module would only be four-plus one-half hours (4.5 hours). To maintain the total exam time to eight hours, the optional 30- minutes the candidate decided to use in the Troubleshooting module is deducted automatically from the time originally allocated for the Configuration module. The web-based delivery system will display a warning message when the two hours have expired in the Troubleshooting module. The system will then ask if the candidate wants to proceed in the Troubleshooting module, adding up to extra 30 minutes before advancing to the next module, or if the candidate desires to stop working on the Troubleshooting module as well as advance to the Diagnostic module. Passing Criteria To pass the CCIE R&S lab exam, the candidates are going to be required to meet these two conditions:    The total sum of all modules should be equal at least the minimum overall cut-score.    The sum for each individual module should be equals at least the minimum cut score for the module. The reason for these criteria would be to prevent the candidate from clearing the lab exam while failing or even bypassing a module, for instance, the Diagnostic module. Well, I would suggest that if you wish to gain the CCIE R&S Certification, you should check out the study materials, which are being offered at the SPOTO Club. SPOTO Club Materials 100% Cover Real Exam After long-term testing, SPOTO Club achieves its Lab materials accurate rate up to 100% cover exam. 96.8% First-Attempt Pass Rate SPOTO Club helped over 1688 members get their CCIE certification until 22nd May 2019, first attempt pass-rate over 96.8%, which is far higher than other vendors. According to statics show that average one candidate need to take 2-3 times exam to get their CCIE certification, whereas you can pass at first try if you pass SPOTO Club all sections & mock tests  
  • Huawei
    Huawei Certification Exam is very much difficult to clear in single attempt, unless you have good and reliable training providers like the SPOTO Club. Also, you should follow the below mentioned tips: Preparing Study Notes from helpful Books Apart from the class-lectures, course books as well as guide-books are major sources of learning. Similarly, the internet would be also serves as a huge source of learning nowadays. When you study a book, guide or even from a source on the internet, pay your concentration to learn it as your first aim is to learn it and at the same time write down the important ideas you would be learning from it on a separate sheet to make the study-notes. You may study many books, guides or sources from the internet for understanding the same topic. In such a case, you note important points from each and every source to make your study-notes. Such notes would be extremely helpful as you don’t need to study all those sources again. Points, collected from different sources about the same topic, might be given a comprehensive shape for creating your study-notes. Writing down the particular terminologies, definitions, step-wise explanation is an important part of making your study notes. Writing your notes you are required to consider all this information which will help you remind its all-important explanation which you will need for preparation for the exam. An explanation in the book about a topic may be very long, try to understand it and then write only the important things leaving the unnecessary details. Don’t skip important data, your notes should have all the data which you need for preparation for your exam. Some information given in the books may be in a different order to that you need to present in your exam so collect your data in proper order for making your notes. Make studying a part of your habits.  Too often, it would be considered easy to view studying as something that only gets done at the last minute in a huge overnight cram session. Instead, try setting sideways some time every day to study. Scheduling it just like another appointment or class might help you to stay motivated to continue the habit. Ask about the exam format.  Ask your teacher what format the test would be in, how it would be graded, if there are any opportunities for extra credit, and if they would be willing to talk to you about highlighting in your notes, what the most important broad subjects are going to be, etc. Study in a clean , quiet and orderly room.  Keep anything and everything away from where you would be that might cause you to get distracted. Jumping up to read a text message on your phone or periodically checking out social media is considered to be ill-advised whilst studying. Focus on your work objectives.  What would you intend to accomplish during this session? Setting a concrete study goal might be able help you out. Creating study plans is also considered to be a good idea. If 3 out of 5 lessons would be easy and could be finished fast, finish them first, so you would be able to spend quality time on the difficult lessons without fretting. Also, keeping a folder for your exam reviews is considered a good way to keep everything organized. Now, if you follow the above mentioned tips and if you enroll in the prep courses, which are being offered at some good and reliable training centers like the SPOTO Club, you would be able to gain this certification in single attempt and without any hustle.  
  • 中文战报
    TS2,diag3+++,H3 1TS: 1)USER4mac地址和SW410安全接口不匹配,修改USER4mac地址和SW410一致, 修改完可以翻滚下接口,R40上的lease要删除。(关于passive接口的问题,在做完 整个ts的时候回来检查,确实出现ping不通的现象,翻滚一下USER4的接口就好了, 我个人觉得这个应该是版本bug就没去管了,然后保存交卷了) 2)第二题一个错点,R14上no掉拒绝server网段的acl条目。SW111上no掉lease 3)第一个错点,R10上的route-map,no掉setLP200 第二个错点,R22上ospf,lo0和接口上的进程号不一致,导致BGP邻居没起来,修 改成形同的进程号即可。 4)R10和R11上的route-map调用进来,R10的route-map中删除setext-community 5)IPSEC配置中R60和R51,R14配置不一致。 …………….. 2.diag3+++ 和思博的解法一样啦, 3.CFG 话前:CFG预配很多,我的这一套里面基本上所有的route-id和next-hop-self都有配,, 包括AS65001区域内的所有ospf邻居都有配。但是还是建议每个区域全部检查一遍。相信 去考试的人基本都已经很熟了,不缺时间去检查一遍基础配置。 关于拓扑:考场需求前面几页是拓扑图,包括BGP拓扑,VPN拓扑,比如LANTO LAN,DMVPN等等。上面有不同颜色的线,每种线会标准好在拓扑中代表什么意思。 例如:…………….. 考试前一定要先看好拓扑图自己这块区域是要求什么配置。 关于接口:………………..补缺。 配置部分 Part1 1.1-1.4: 这一部分和练习的时候一模一样,就三个点要注意一下: 1.1.2部分SW500,501端口配置是反过来的, 2.1.3部分………. 3.1.4部分dial…….. Part2 2.1-2.11 同样大部分与解法一致,需要注意有以下几点。 1.2.2部分OSPF区域内做前缀抑制,此处值得一提的是我的基本上是满预配,……… 2.2.3部分65004区域与R100连接OSPF进程号是2.. 32.4部分这一部分很重要,尽量不要在这里漏配置,我这里R13漏点了RR的配置, 导致配置完检查R3的现象的时候R10向AS10000当中的很多路由没有传过去,包括默认 路由,R3那里的默认路由只有1条,是通过R4传递过来的。然后就猜呀,是不是考官tr 我了,当时内心慌得一批,一慌思路就没了,还好整套版本做的快有很多时间检查,冷静下 来后一条条查,R10有默认路由但是是从AS65002区域传递过来的,为什么R10没有收到 本区域内的默认路由,就去查R14,R14上有19999传递过来的默认路由,再查是否通告 给R13,再找R13,问题就发现了。顺利排出问题。之所以花很大一部分篇幅说一个由自 己的失误造成的问题,是想通过这个问题说明一些事情 1)版本很稳,但是你要敲熟,还要敲快,敲快的意义不在于快点考完了就能快点结束, 也不在于去比,而是在于你有更多的时间去处理突发情况。不会因为在最后检查的 时候着急忙慌。 2)敲配置的时候,最好是不要出现失误,出现失误容易瞎想,考场环境不比自己练习 没有压力,一旦瞎想起来加上压力之下,比较容易发懵。 3)所有困难都是纸老虎,到了准备考试的阶段,你已经是半步IE了,只要冷静下来 去排查,所有的问题还是会迎刃而解的 4.2.10-2.11组播部分说实话,我也不知道该怎么解,考试的时候R13查看rpmapping 的时候接口显示的是SW100的e0/2接口,然后我根据战报在SW100上dis接口改成E0/2, 然后修改之后现象还是不太一致,然后我也没有太管,此处也就不误人子弟了,假如真的考 场有摇摆不定的问题,建议按照思博解法来就好了。 Part.3 3部分基本上和解法一致,有争议的地方其它战报也写得很清楚,就不做赘述了。 Part4-5 与思博解法一致。 题外话: 考场环境:两块显示器,鼠标在显示器之间切换很方便,键盘换成联想的了,还比较好 用,考场有一点点卡,比H3服务器上要好一点,比自己虚拟机上差一点,建议H3还是在 服务器上做好一点,熟悉一下延迟的环境,也相当于熟悉考场环境了。空调穿一件短袖会有 一丢丢冷,套一件会有一点点热,这个和小马过河一样,看个人体质,我说的不一定适用, 但还是建议带一件外套,热了可以脱,冷了就没办法了,考场吃的是牛肉土豆丝饭,肉挺多 的,不是特好吃也不是特难吃,填饱肚子没问题。 版本问题:话不敢说太满,但是在现阶段,版本还是蛮稳得,到了复习的后阶段,一定 要多看看群里面的消息,练熟了基本上就是肌肉记忆了,考场上反馈回来的信息比你在最后 阶段多敲一套TS或许还要管用,群里的问题也可以看一看,别人遇到的问题自己是否能解 答出来,如果不能,那么自己是哪里还没有复习到位,以人为镜,可以明得失。 最后祝大家都能顺利的拿到属于自己的IE号,学习之路漫且阻,共勉!
  • 中文战报
    Section1前言 先叨叨几句 IE的LAB之路,一言难尽,需要多叨叨几句。 作为一个女学员,一个拖家带口,上有老下有小,横有工作老公的烦躁女青 年,一天能挤出来敲版本的时间少之甚少。回去安抚完孩子睡觉,已到夜里十点, 十点后才是我自由飞翔的时间! 进入lab后,我拒绝了所有闺蜜邀请,取消了所有外出计划,心无旁骛,一 路狂奔,只为拿号。这种厚积薄发的感觉,其实真的很好,也希望有心想考IE 的同学不要放弃,只要你坚持了,无论你身处何处,身边有多少繁杂事务,你都 能挤出时间去练习。 最后一周的备考,我就是个彻彻底底的宅女,起床脸都不洗,直接进入模拟 考。整个lab,模拟考的含金量最高,我把老陈改的模拟考遗漏的细节全部补上, 成绩秒出。 考前一天,把这一周的战报看一遍,就可以直接秒错点啦。 Section2套餐分析 考试套餐:13混3 一、TS1 直接看1014小野的那份战报秒错点,错点几乎一致!半小时秒完,硬是检 查了半小时,然后点endsession. TS1练习了思博的超级变态版本后,你就无敌了。 Q1: 错点1:SW2的E0/0没有放 行vlan12(同1014小野的错点) Q2: 错点1:R17的认证用户名错误,R12上是username UberMarket_spoke_R17password0CCIE,R17上是username UberMarket_spoke1_R17password0CCIE,随便改一个就可以。 错点2:R17加一个pppipcproutedefault。 Q3: ………… 错点1:R22e2/0掩码错了 错点2:R21router-id错了 错点3:R5接口做了ipospfcost,删掉就行 Q4: ………… 错点1:四台路由器有三台需要配置metricwei011111(同1014小野的 错点) 错点2:R12偏移列表没有拒绝R14的环回口(同1014小野的错点) Q5: ……… 错点1:R21的lo0口需要宣告,同1014小野的错点) 错点2:R4和R6针对123.3.3.3的路由MED相同,改大或改小其中一个(同 1014小野的错点) ……………. 二、DIAG3++和3+++混着考,注意区分攻击者和服务器就行。 三、H3,做到这里,号码已经开始跟你招手了。 考场上H3的需求和我们资料里的一样,点开AllQuestion后拖到右边显示器, 上面是拓扑,下面是Section需求。关注几个点: 1)AS10000区域在第一张大图……… 2)R42ospf区域是……….. 3)SW510上e2/0-1是po2,e2/2-3是po1 4)所有…………。 5)LAN-2-LAN的R71,nat是配好的,……….不影响现象,题目需求也没有特 殊说明,我就没改。 6)DC1的OSPF一定要等邻居建好后再抑制前缀。 7)DMVPN,……….,补上就行。 8)关于组播,2.10,选用方案二,SW10宣……….. 9)需要注意的细节:……严重缺失,每个都点下,然后showrun|secrouter ospf和showrun|secrouterbgp;部分主机是直接配地址,部分是通过DHCP获 取,通过……..获取的还是那句话,把………删掉。 其他的就按照思博解法,一阵狂敲,效果完全匹配,再检查两遍细节,end session,一走出大厦,就收到邮件了。 Section3感恩 以前的战报,看到这部分总觉得他们是思博的托,现在自己亲身体会,信思博,得号码。 一、理论课,浅入深出,我这个网络小白,从零开始学习,毫无压力。 二、Lab,老陈每次信息回复都是深夜,深深为这个美丽的妹子感动,看来思博很缺助 教,如果需要,请联系我,哈哈哈!思博lab的更新进度,信息同步绝对是全网最及时的! 三、思博除了一批优秀的老师,助教,同时还有一群热心的同学,感恩! 最后,祝大家,都能拿到自己的号码。只要你有足够的正能量,不畏艰难,努力,锁定 思博,一定可以拿号。 Section4资源分享 我最后冲刺的笔记。 一、文档:5套CFG要点2019-10-14更新.note 链接:………………. 二、文档:Diag汇总.note 链接:…………… 三、文档:TS1系列.note 链接:……………… 四、文档:TS2各个击破.note 链接:……………
  • Huawei
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  • 中文战报
    写在前面的话:从过完年开始真正准备CCIE到现在已经大半年有余,中间 懈怠了3个月,版本敲敲停停,有点拖久了。后果就是赶上了狗蛋917事变,我 是8月底的时候看过一次座位信息,然后9月初的时候发现位置一下子少了很多, 结合自己的复习情况给了1个月的准备时间立马订了位置,想想1个月H3和H1 肯定妥妥的。然后就是917后各种H2还有927后TS2+,还好之前练过H2系列。 这一个多月以来基本上每天都在公司待到深夜回家,国庆7天全在公司过(模拟 考了3天)。。。家里都是老婆照顾孩子,回去后都睡着了,这里非常感谢家人, 没有家人的支持我也不会坚持到现在。。。最后感谢思博,给了大家一个很好的 一起学习进步的平台,也希望大家都能早日拿到自己的CCIE号!!! 一定要多看战报,很多套餐都是一样的,特别是Conf的预配,战报看多了就会 发现考场遇到的是一样的预配了!还有群里面大佬们留下的宝贵资料,下下来多 看看,对版本的理解非常有用。 考试注意点:参照之前战报所写: 第一步:输入完桌面纸张上的准考号后,弹出如下考试信息界面,核对个人信息 是否正确,没问题就点“BeginLAB”开始TS考试了。 ……………… 第二步:web界面就跳转到“英文主菜单按钮+TS拓扑图”界面(默认打开是100% 界面比例,超级大把它调到合适比例,可以Ctrl+鼠标滚轮调节,Conf部分也可 以点击左上角三个选项,意思就是拓扑宽度或者长度适应屏幕,我是选择了宽度 适应)(温馨提示:console窗口默认置顶,鼠标选中了是复制,但是黏贴的时 候点击右键会弹出窗口让你选择paste,考场鼠标很飘,有鼠标垫还是很飘,建 议不用右键黏贴,复制后直接用键盘Shift+Insert来黏贴,平时练习可以试一下)。 直接点击“ALLQuestions”。点开后会再弹出一个新的web网页,内容就是需求 内容,直接把需求这个网页拖到右边的显示器,上面是拓扑,下面才是题目,配 置设备还是要主界面点击设备 …………………. TS1 TS1错点只要平时练到位,基本没有问题。 Q1: ………………… 错点1:SW2的E0/0没有放行vlan12 Q2: ………………… 错点1:R17的认证用户名错误,R12上是usernameUberMarket_spoke_R17 password0CCIE,R17上是usernameUberMarket_spoke1_R17password0CCIE, 随便改一个就可以。 Q3: ………………… 错点1:R22的E0/0口被pass了 Q4: ………………… 错点1:四台路由器有三台需要配置metricwei011111 错点2:R12偏移列表没有拒绝R14的环回口 Q5: ………………… 错点1:R21的lo0口需要宣告, 错点2:R4和R6针对123.3.3.3的路由MED相同,改大或改小其中一个 Q6 ………………… DIAG1 DIAG1和练习的一模一样,第三题的拖图题选项是旧的,不是新的,建议大家 还是背一下,稍微记一下就很容易选择,说不定这1分就是救命稻草。 H3 考场上H3的需求和我们资料里的一样,点开AllQuestion后拖到右边显示器,上 面是拓扑,下面是Section需求。关注几个点: 1)AS10000区域在第一张大图要求建立………………… 2)R42ospf区域是 3)SW510上e2/0-1是po2,e2/2-3是po1 重点讲一下每个部分的预配和注意点: (一)二层部分 1)…………………但是还是直接刷上。 2)SW300和SW301上面…………………就两台设备,直接show一下补上就行, 感觉不需要记住,注意记得这个点就行。 3)配置的时候对照vlan表一个个端口检查,补上swmoacc,不是某个区 域有某个区域没有,而是有的区域有的设备上有,有的没有,还要注意端口是否 shutdown了。 4)配置的时候注意看日志,AS65003上SW300还是SW301有端口被 errdisable了,shnosh起来。 5)R70配置了pppoe后翻滚接口dia1一直获取不到地址,确认配置没问 题,我直接reload设备,一把获取到地址和默认路由。 (二)OSPF部分 1)AS65003区域,预配起了ospf,有…………………。 2)AS65001区域,预配都配置好了ospf和接口,OSPF下面补上pre就行, SW100和SW101好像lo1没有加入ospf,需要补上。 3)AS65004区域,除了R42预配都有,但是SW400和401预配了passvlan2000 和passvlan2001,我还是no掉了。检查的时候,SW500和SW501也passvlan2000 和passvlan2001,我no掉了测试trSW600的现象不影响,我直接补回了pass。 R42按照解法注意…………………。 (三)BGP部分 1)AS65001区域bgplisten都要自己配置,…………………网段,经常容易忘记 的点已经给我们预配好了(*^▽^*) 2)ebgp都已经预配好,补上三兄弟………………… 3)AS10000区域预配nobgpdefipv4,有vrf无………………… 4)ipv6的bgp已近预配和AS19999的ebgp邻居,补上缺的就行,另外server1 配置ipv6的时候先敲ipv6unicast-routing (四)组播部分 1)所有设备除了R10和R11预配没有ipmulticastmultipath,其他设备都配 置了这个条命令,考前看到之前的战报说不出现象直接补上就出现象了。我是所 有设备正常配置后现象都出,就没有在R10和R11上面补上。 2)几乎所有设备都缺少………………… 3)我是把R14、R1………………… 4)SW110和SW111上面也好像只有三个接口有ippimsp,我是都补上了。 5)关于SW100上ippimsend-rp-dislo1还是e0/2的,看现象图,在HQ第 二部分的组播的时候R13shippimrpmap的时候需求如下图,果断配上e0/2并 在bgp中宣告 ………………… (五)DMVPN部分 1)…………………; 2)然后…………………nosh,shdm一把起来。 3)配置…………………再刷R14。 (六)LAN2LAN部分 1)…………………正确配置不需要改动 2)………………… 3)参照…………………。 4)R24上补上静态路由,user7上测试直接通 (七)策略部分 基本上没什么问题,平时练习注意总结,哪里需要per20,哪里不需要。 附上个人总结的: 哪些route-map需要增加per20 1)R20上针对去往………………… 2)R51上针对………………… 3)R14上针对………………… 而R41区域route-mapADD-AS不需要添…………………,不需要放行其他的。 (八)检查部分 1)…………………一定要全部检查一遍,还有next-hop-self 2)我是user4和user7是DHCP获取地址的,直接在对应的………………… 3)user4tr8.8.8.8一会通一会儿不通,正常现象,不要紧张。我是不通 的时候tr还是能够显示网关、从R41出去那跳及最后那跳。这个现象之前战报 也有提到。 (九)考场相关 1)北京考场键盘有联想大键盘和kb216,平时一直练习kb216,考试用联想 的,没有一点影响,尽可放心。 2)考场保持低调就行,关注自己的,老师不会来tr你,北京考场的老师看 起来和蔼可亲O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 3)还有一定要参加模拟考,H3的预配和模拟考的基本差别不大,经历过了 心理才会有底
  • 中文战报
    北京考场,住在和银泰街对面的建国酒店。酒店不错,走过一个地下通道就银泰,稳定10分钟走 到,推荐。考官中国人,人挺好的,一直在帮各个考生解决问题(不太了解其他考生为啥这么多问 题,我的考试一切正常),我也没有被TR。当天一共15个考生,超过十个考生都坚持到最后一刻, 提早交卷的基本也是3点半以后了,似乎大家都很珍惜这次来之不易的考试机会(祝福那些现在还 没抢到位置的同学)。考场里TS1,TS2,H2,H3都有看到,没有瞄到传说中的TS2+。 抽到非常幸运的233组合,没有TS2+,没有八个选项的DIAG1,也没有各种重分布选路的H2+。 总的来说都挺顺利,TS210道题全部排出,DISG3稳,H3也是一次就现象全出。下面详细说说各 个部分。 TS2 基本都是BT里有的错点,我把我还记得的错点都列出来,我忘了的几题错点也是有在BT里的。 只在Q9的DMVPN处遇到一点小麻烦。 Q1:SW400和SW401的vlanaccessmap少了20的actionforward Q2:R14没有对ISP宣告VLAN2001的网段,我用redistributeospf做的,直接network应该也 行 Q3:R12-13的accesslist写成65002的了,改为65001。还有一个错点记不太清了。 Q4:和之前战报一样,把R20的route-map里面的setextcommunity删掉 Q5:R51的tun0接口nhrp配置问题,照着已经up的R60改 ………………… DIAG3。 答案都挺好辨认的,我抽到的是attacker和serverip相反的那套。 H3 前面在ts的dmvpn处耽搁了不少时间,开始做cfg的时候已经快十点半了。总得来说cfg都很顺利, 所有现象都一次出,也留有足够的时间检查细节。几乎所有问题和答案都和思博的材料一致,我就 不每题都介绍,主要讲讲我答题过程中的经验。 1.整个cfg,和思博材料有所不同的地方就是LAN2LANIPSec部分。题目本身的要求还是和思博 材料一致的,不同在于R24的预配。presharekey的名字变了,transformset的名字也不是esp-aes。 但其实这些预配改变并不改变我们在R71上的配置,匹配的兴趣流也还是10.7.0.0/24 的。……………. 2.整个cfg,比思博材料多出来的一点东西是针对各个部分(650016500265003等)的二 层……………。 3.很多设备的预配都已经有了,……………,我看之前战报也有战友选择不管预配直接全部配置怼 上去。选一个自己合适的方法就好,个人感觉直接配置全怼可能会快一点,在查预配上真是花了不 少时间。 4.节奏要把握好,考试过程中也别懈怠了。当我做完tsdiag,看完cfg的所有题目确认没有新需求 后,我的答题节奏就慢下来了,最后cfg花了四个小时才做完,比练习时多花了近一倍的时间(当然 查预配也很花时间)。不要松懈,战斗到最后一刻。 再总结一下此次的备考心得吧。 1.思博的材料稳,很稳,螺旋稳! 2.不光多刷题,也要多多做总结,同时看群里大神的一些总结材料,都很有帮助,能使备考事半功 倍。 3.备考群是宝贵的资源,发问前可以先搜索一下聊天历史或群文件,我好多的疑问都是直接搜索找 到答案的。 最后要感谢思博这个平台,汇集了这么多优秀的资源,老师和学员。我的ccie一路过来磕磕绊绊, 前前后后拖了快一年,最后也感谢幸运女神垂青,幸运的刷到考位又幸运的抽到233套餐。祝所有 思博战友也顺利拿到自己的号码和泡面盖。