• 中文战报
    小文HK6-18233战报 前言 我住的铜锣湾利景酒店到鹰君中心步行就只有15分钟,我早上7点22分就 到鹰君中心31楼,第一个到。传说中的ERIC大概8点到,他带我们7个人去29 楼,检查身份证件和讲解注意事项用了15分钟,白板上有个图,powercycle: 是重启机器,reload:是删除已写入的配置,重新恢复初始配置(慎点),endsession 是结束提交,做完TS和CFG都需要点endsesssion结束提交。今天是疯狂坐过 山车的一天,心情绝对是刺激。现在开始过山车之旅: TS2(紧张刺激的TS2) 由于平时练习都是用笔记本的键盘敲,很久没用普通的大键盘敲,感觉每敲 一个字都用很大的力气。 Q1一开始是先检查SW400和SW401,发现写了个VLANACL, route-mapext111 10permit10.4.0.0XXXXX ………………… 就去no10,发现user4还是拿不到地址,做了12分钟,开局就不利,这时 心情就很紧张,没找到解法就去做下一题,做完第10题回来想起有可能是SW410 的端口安全问题,回来对比SW410和USER4的端口MAC地址,发现真的是, 就去noSW410switchportport-securitymac地址,但no完后重新在SW410上写 正确的swtichportport-securitymac地址,showruninte0/0去看,竟然发现没了 swtichportport-securitymac地址这条命令,再添加一次,竟然报错,说mac 地址重复,最后这题错点是找到,但还是没做出来。事后想起如果改USER4的 MAC地址就不会出现报错了。 Q2:R14NAT有个ACL10deny10.需要no10,还有SW111 vlan2001没有加入ospf,vlan2001需要接入ospf Q3:R10挂载的route-map中local-pre1000去掉,R23的lo0宣告进ospf Q4:R20的route-map中有setext-community属性删除. Q5:DMVPN这题,三台设备比对就好,R14有配ipnhrpauthen密码,把R51 和R60补上,R14加上ipnhrpredirect,R60其中一个ipsec部分配置不一样,直 接复制正确的覆盖即可。 ……………………. PS:TS2就有两题没做出来,心想这次很可能就挂了,但是TS是可以容许错 两题2分题的,即使这次挂在TS上,也要调整心情,把DIAG和CFG都做完, 因为如果要二考,也需要尽量拿多一点的经验,TS,DIAG,CFG的经验都需要,如 果认为TS失败了就离场不考,那么DIAG,CFG的经验就拿不到,不能最大化的吸 收失败的经验。 DIAG是H3(和解法一样) 第一题 1.上来第一题就需要捉包,………………… 2.………. 第二题 输入………….. CFGH3 和解法一样,这部分也是这次我做的最顺利的一次,一开始是各种二层的图, 大部分的交换机都需要将端口划分到指定的VLAN里,然后是各种BGP图. Section1 我一开始就按照提供的图…………然后SW300和SW301有个nospanpvst simmst……………………,………这个第一部分4小题做完加上每台交换机端口VLAN 划分,花费了我一个小时,但是这很重要,之前有同学就挂在这上面。交换机端 口划分我是建议一开始就做,因为做到后面,如果出现自TR或者被考官TR,就没 时间去做这个交换机端口VLAN划分,这么简单又重要的事情还是开始就做。 Section2 和解法一样,就是需要在各个区域的路由器和交换机上检查漏配的………….. 2.5部分还是建议在addipv4下面做吧,因为我在练习的时候试过SW100未重 启之前是可以负载均衡的,但重启后就不能了,还需要重新写一次命令,在 addipv4下就不会出现这个问题。 2.8路由过滤,……….. 2.10-2.11我是直接去看2.11R13的图,图上是…………… Section3 1.1…………… 其他部分和解法一样 Section4 和解法一样 Section5 和解法一样 总结: 1.敲CFG一边敲一边检查,到下午3点才敲完,但所有大小现象都出了, 比较顺利,我重头到尾检查了两次,没有自TR。平时敲完版本一定要用对比 软件查看漏掉什么命令,直到没有发现错漏的时候就是你上考场的时候。 2.有条好用的命令,”shhisall“可以查看你在设备上哪个时间曾经写过什 么命令,包括如果考官在设备上做过的改动,都可以看到。 3.保存配置需要end,再wr.如果直接用dowr.有时候明明保存了的东西, 也会没有,我在练习的时候就试过。 早期知道思博的名字是在网上看到红茶三杯的视频,觉得思博的教学还不 错,就打电话到思博去咨询,本来想报SP方向,但在林教父的讲解下,最终还 是报了路由和交换方向,现在证明选的方向还是正确的,毕竟这次有惊无险考 过CCIE。最后要多谢思博各位前辈提供的战报,还有陈老师的耐心指导,在周 末晚上都帮我改试卷到很晚。最后预祝准备考试的同学早日拿到CCIE号。
  • CCNA
    Introduction So you have decided to pursue the CCNA certification considering it as the right path for you. The next step, even before you would be beginning to study, is to understand what would be required of you to gain CCNA-certified. Therefore, in this article, we would be looking at the CCNA certification exam in detail. Also, you should check out the courses offered at the SPOTO Club, to ensure success in achieving the CCNA Certification. Before we continue, I would like to point out that there are two ways of being certified with CCNA:    Passing one exam – CCNA Composite - The current exam number is 200-125 CCNA.    Passing two exams – ICND1 and ICND2. The current exam numbers are 100-105 and 200-105. People would be having a different perspective on which route to take. If you wouldn’t have any networking experience, you might want to take the step-by-step approach, i.e. ICND1 and then ICND2. However, if you are having some experience in networking or you wish to recertify, you should go for the CCNA Composite exam, which is considered to be more advanced, and much more challenging than the individual exams. On the other hand, it might be more time-saving for preparing for only one exam rather than two individual exams. If your will is strong enough, and if you conceivably have a time restriction, perhaps you should consider going for the CCNA Composite exam all in one go. How Many Questions would be there in the CCNA Certification Exam? How Long Do You Have for the Completion of the Exam? The CCNA certification exam is considered to be a 90-minute exam with between 60 and 70 questions. This means you would be having 1 minute and 30 seconds roughly for each question. However, as with any exam, some questions would be more challenging and would require more time than the others. So, while you should take your time to read questions carefully, make sure that you aren’t having much of it to waste. One exam trick which is utilized by lots of people is to go for low-hanging fruit, i.e., answer the questions which are easy for you and then go back to the more challenging questions. Unfortunately, this trick couldn’t be used in Cisco certification exams because, once you click on the Next button for advancing to the next question, you wouldn’t be able to go back to previous questions. Where should I Take the Exam? How Often the Exams would be scheduled? Cisco would be offering two types of exams: Proctored exams as well as self-administered online exams. The proctored exams are considered to be the ones you go to a registered center to take the exam, where a proctor would be available to register you for the exam and, in some cases, the proctor invigilates and is available for answering some questions. The self-administered online exams could be taken anywhere, even in your house, as long as there would be an Internet connection. The only exams you could take online by yourself are related to sales as well as partnership. On the other hand, all Cisco certification exams would be including the CCNA certification exam, which are proctored exams administered at Pearson VUE test centers; so you would be needed to go physically to a test center. Once you have confirmed the test center which you wish to utilize, you could either schedule your exam in advance or on the day you would be intended to take it as long as there would be availability at the test center. If you wish to pursue the CCNA Certification, you should gain the study dumps which would be offered by the SPOTO Club.
  • Cisco
    Both CCENT and CCDA Certification are considered to be a great challenge. For which you would be required to gain a good and reliable prep course to clear it, like that being offered at the SPOTO Club. Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT) CCENT is considered to be an entry-level certification as well as an excellent choice for beginners or more qualified candidates transitioning in networking. CCENT would be including the network support skills at the entry-level as well as approves individuals as network administrators who would be having the abilities and experience to developing, performing and managing small business networks. The present CCENT Exam is 100-105 ICND1. The requirements for this certification would be basic computer functions as well as knowledge of operating systems. The types of tasks for which a CCENT certificate tenant certified would be including the network technicians, engineers as well as administrators, and systems engineers. CCENT is considered to be a big stepping stone to some higher-level Cisco certifications. Cisco Certified Design Associate (CCDA) CCNA certifications would be concentrating on the operation of network infrastructures; CCDA would be focusing on the design of genuinely accessible as well as scalable networks. This certification would be much suggested for IT professionals who would be gaining passionate about establishing together with the parts needed for a network design that would be fitting an organization’s demand for a tractable as well as robust network. Organizations place a high value on network design engineers for their abilities at both increasing modern ones and designing new network infrastructures. Gaining a CCDA certification would be needed to pass Cisco’s DESGN exam, which would be including the developing enterprise network infrastructures including routing and switching technologies, protocols and tools. A CCDA would also unlock the door to the CCDP certification that would be concentrating on more excellent routing and switching technologies as well as multiple network infrastructures. Joining CCDA with other CCNA certifications is considered to be a good option for networking newcomers to enhance their skills which is why Cisco would be setting a valid CCENT or a valid CCNA Routing and Switching or any other CCIE certification as a requirement for CCDA certification. Scheduling & Taking the Exam You would be needed to take your exam at a Pearson VUE testing center. Testing would be conducted at specific times of the year across the U.S. as well as around the world. To learn when testing is going to hold, you are required to register for and creating an account with Pearson VUE. Scheduling Your Test – When? You are required to schedule your exam with a Pearson VUE testing center, which could be done up to six weeks in advance. Note that you should schedule your testing for a listed testing period – you aren’t allowed to choose your testing period randomly. You might also be able to register for an exam as early as the same day that testing would be occurring at your local Pearson VUE testing center if there is sufficient room for the test group. You would be needed to contact Pearson VUE to determine testing periods and class sizes. What Is the Cost? Cisco’s pricing is considered to be quite difficult to locate unless you would be placing an order through Pearson VUE. However, the company would be providing certain pricing information, including details surrounding the three exams in question for the quad certification program. The price of the examination would be about $165 to $325. So, if you don’t want to waste such money, you would be required to gain a good and reliable training course, like that offered at the SPOTO Club.
  • 中文战报
    三戰日本套餐233 首先考試時間是日本的8:15分前到21樓等待,8:30才由考官一起帶上32樓開始講解考場須 知。這次我們開始考的時候已經是9:30了。可以帶考場提供的飲料或開水&個人藥品進考場。 TS部分,大約解了一個小時左右交卷 Q1.SW410e0/0的mac與User4的e0/0接口mac不一致,調整後將User4翻滾下即可。 R40,R41dhcp租期刪掉。 Q2.R14NATACL10deny10.掉即可。 Q3.R10的BGP把里面的setlocal删掉就好 Q4.no掉R20的setexitcommunity…..即可正常。 Q5.直接比對R60/R51/R14的tunnel,ipsec不同,把少的補齊,把錯的改正全部tunnel翻滾後 即可正常。 ………………… Diag部分。解完大約不到一分鐘,再看一次一分鐘,上個廁所洗把臉,準備迎接接下來的版 本。記得最後幾分鐘再檢查幾遍確保沒問題。 按照Spoto.沒啥好說的,我是考3++,bootp搜尋出來的報文是130報文,其他同思博。 CFG3 考场图很清晰,先仔细看一下。MPLS區域是……..R42与R100的ospfproid是2,所有的2 層接口全部檢……..逐一补上。 1.1…………一起刷。順道檢查所有設備………..是否有缺少。 1.2port-channel照考場需求敲即可。 1.3同思博 1.4同思博 2.1同思博(檢查route-id) 2.2同思博,檢查route-id&prefix-suppression 2.3考场沒配置ospf2,自己建立後互re 2.4同思博 2.5按照解法配置,看戰報有配置addipv4。…….. 2.6考场预配很多去檢查所有nei,net,agg缺的補上。 组播部分 我的现象图是………….中宣告了相应网段,但是showippimrpmapping的現象還是不對,檢 查完設定沒有問題,我先把組播先丟著,先解後面其他的部分,組播最後才解。 4.1-5.4 同思博 中午吃飯時間大約12:5X,早上大約考了3.5小時,版本也敲到了第三張,等全部敲完然后 检查,全部showrun仔細警慎的檢查,最後再做一次全部的大小現象,現象全部沒問題,設 定看完也沒問題就去敲監考官的門了,當下差不多15:16分,是考場第一個交的,當檢查完 都沒問題時,心情真的很激動。終於考完了。 考試期間有發生幾次的設備當機,全部考生的機架完全不會動,所以如果要解到最後一刻的 話,時間有延長到18:30左右。但是因為我都檢查完,也不想冒著被TR的風險,趕緊交卷 了。 最后感谢Spoto老陳,和神煩狗助教還有備考群上各位大神的即時回答,讓我這次能這麼順 利的拿到號碼,除了感謝還是感謝。
  • Redhat
    Red Hat’s training and certifications are considered to be an effective way to gain or solidify skills as well as demonstrate mastery of the same. Whether you would be looking to gain your foot in the door of the IT world, or you would be a seasoned professional who is looking to move up the ladder, Red Hat’s got you covered. However, Red Hat’s certifications are not easy to pass, and hence along with these tips, you should also gain a good training provider, like the SPOTO Club.    Adjust the environment before you begin the exam Imagine you are beginning the exam, you read through the tasks, as well as right when you wish to begin, you realize the keyboard layout isn’t what you would be expected. Other times, you might be able to notice that the screen is too bright, dim, or tilted. Make sure you iron these out before you would be beginning. The keyboard layout of exams is en-US by default, so either you would be needed to make sure you’re familiar with the layout or make sure you know how to change it.    Go through tasks and environment documentation carefully! People wish to get to work on objectives right away, but this is considered a common pitfall. The exam tasks might not be in any particular order. Often, one task would be depending on another. Knowing all the tasks before you would be beginning working on any single one gives you the necessary perspective of what you would be needed to achieve at the end of the exam.    Know the exam objectives, as well as know them well! As you would know by now, Red Hat’s certification exams are purely about doing. Every exam has a set of objectives, some of which you would be asked to perform. Though every objective is considered to be quite a simple sentence, it contains more than you might think.    Utilization of right tools You have established the knowledge that the exam is all about doing. However, how you would be achieving the exam tasks that is totally up to you. Whether you would be, utilizing a command-line tool, or a graphical interface, that is all up to you, as long as it works for you.    Use the Documentation There would be no point in having a performance-based exam where the exam takers would have to memorize all the objectives by heart! That’s why you would be often provided some kind of documentation, and you are needed to utilize it to your advantage. You should absolutely be familiar with the official documentation for the product that is being experienced. Orienting yourself in the documentation might be able to help you immensely.    Review all the time If you’ve got some time left at the end of an exam, make sure that you didn’t undo one exam task by finishing another one. I couldn’t say how many times this would be saving me from failing an exam. Very often, the tasks are considered to be related, so there is a real possibility that by setting one thing, you might be breaking another.    Learn Red Hat with Red Hat Lastly, Red Hat Certification provides training for their exams. This is hands down, the best way to study for the exams. The training is considered to be tested and should contain everything you would be needed to know for the exam plus a little extra. However, even if you cannot attend any online or in-person training, definitely visit Red Hat’s learning community. Hence, you should follow the above-mentioned tips and also gain a good and reliable training provider, like the SPOTO Club.  
  • Redhat
    RHCSA certified professionals (Red Hat Certified System Administrator) are considered to be ideal to perform the system administration tasks in Red Hat Enterprise Linux environments. A certified professional proves that he has the requisite knowledge, skills, and determination required for the administrative roles and responsibilities. Also, if you wish to gain the Red Hat Certification, you should gain the proper knowledge and training to ease up your study process. I would recommend you to gain the courses offered by the SPOTO Club. RHCE Certification: Type and Nature of Exam RHCE is a purely performance-based practical exam that is intended to demonstrate your understanding, skill, knowledge, and experience as a senior system administrator that is responsible for Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems. No doubt, it is a bit difficult exam and requires a deep practical knowledge along with clarity on theoretical concepts. Red Hat Individual Exams allow you to schedule an exam at a time and location that is convenient for you so, you can prepare at your speed and take your exam. Important problem areas for the exam   To change and recover the ROOT password: Not a good experience in changing the ROOT password can make you get zero marks in the exam and end the exam early.   YUM repository configuration: There are some questions where you need to install external packages. If you are not good at that and consume time, it can make you fail the exam.   Network configuration: If you are unable to set up a connection you cannot perform all the desired tasks needed to get connected with other machines.   Local Storage configuration: If you are not good at creating partitions or resizing them, it is difficult to keep your machine bootable. It demands to restart your machine that is further wastage of time. Recommended Study Resources You can get lots of material available over the internet as well as in the market for the RHCE exam preparation. Here are a few recommended resources that can help you in qualifying the exam. Red Hat RHCSA/RHCE 7 Certificate Guide: It has a well-organized chapter covering all the aspects of the exam. There are quizzes for each chapter that makes you capable to understand your knowledge on that particular topic. It consists of a lot of material in the form of different illustrations for practical exams, interactive and lab exercises. Puzzles and videos are there to help you in all possible ways. Many online training providers offer video courses for RHCSA/RHCE exam. The course consists of videos covering every aspect of the exam. Besides that, there are videos on solved and unsolved exercises to get command over all major problem areas. Red Hat Certified System administrator Exam Prep Video workshop is also a good resource for understanding RHCSA exam traps, challenges, and pitfalls. It also provides a live practice exam that helps in identifying your skills and figuring out your weak areas. Institutes and Online Platforms Joining a training institute can help you in getting the Red Hat certification. Several renowned institutes in India have an expert team of trainers with full hands-on experience. Before joining a training institute, go through their syllabus and analyze well if it covers all necessary aspects of the exam. Another thing is to check the reviews of that institute that reflect the quality they offer. I hope this answer will help you in understanding the nature of the exam, through which, you could understand the difficulty level of the certification and make yourself ready for taking this exam. I would also like to suggest again to gain the training courses offered at the SPOTO Club, to ease up your study process.      
  • Cisco
    In recent times, we would have lots and lots of inquiry about F5 Certification. As many of you already know, F5 has redesigned its certification program a few years ago and elevated it to a higher level. Revamped certification process security and a different approach to exam preparation guarantee employers that the person holding the F5 Certificate is an exceptional F5 engineer. Also, if you wish to have a good and reliable IT Certification, you should gain the courses offered at the SPOTO Club. Get more about f5 exam fees click here. Creating an F5 Certified! Account Without registering for a special user account, it won’t be possible to initiate the F5 Certification process. Here you will get your Candidate ID needed to apply for the exam.    First, visit the F5 Credential Management System and create your user account.    Enter your personal information and you’ll receive the confirmation email    Then follow the instructions to link your data with the Pearson VUE system Certification program details The F5 certification program is divided into several progressive levels, meaning you have to demonstrate sufficient knowledge in each level before proceeding to the next, as shown in the following figure. Level 4xx is not shown in the diagram. If you wish to gain access to 4xx exams, you must first pass all level 3xx exams or some other specific combination. Currently, you can take the 401–Security Solution Expert Exam which is available after passing all prerequisite level 3xx exams and grants you the F5 Certified Security Solution Expert certification. There are only three F5 Certified Security Solution Expert engineers currently employed in Croatian organizations. Exam blueprints and study guides You can find study materials needed to prepare for the exam on various online resources:    Official documents for exam prep can be found via the F5 Credential Management System – blueprints, study guides. Each blueprint lists the TMOS version on which the exam is based and sections/chapters that will appear in the exam together with the complexity rating.    Unofficial materials, such as those found at F5 Webpage, under “F5 Cert Exam Study Guides”, can be also extremely helpful when preparing to take your exam. Make sure to set aside enough time to read through all of these documents, as well as the additional links listed there.    Another study resource we would like to highlight is the F5 Operation Guides – documents which briefly explain how the F5 modules work: TMOS Operations Guide LTM and GTM Operations Guide ASM Operations Guide APM Operations Guide  There is also the F5 Certified LinkedIn community to help connect you to peers, exchange experiences and find the newest information on the F5 Certification program and certificates by joining other “F5 Certified! Professionals”. What is F5 Certified! practice exams? F5 gives you the opportunity to test your knowledge by taking various practice exams. You don’t have to visit your test center – simply access these exams anywhere and anytime you want. Practice exams simulate the conditions of the real exam with the same number of questions and the same amount of time as on the real thing. Taking the exam The cost of taking an exam is $135 and you can access it at the Pearson VUE test centers by first scheduling the exam appointment. The exam consists of 80 questions with a time limit of 120 minutes. After successfully passing the exam, you will become a proud owner of a new F5 Certificate which is valid for two years. In the event you fail an exam, please observe the following figure for information on retaking your exam: Hence, if you wish to have your career in the IT Industry, check out SPOTO Club for various IT Certification Courses.
  • Redhat
    Are you going to prepare for the RHCE examination? Do you wish to know the details about RHCE in Red Hat certification? In this article, I have covered information about the RHCE certificate like exam fees, course fees. Are you eager to know the salary for freshers who earned an RHCE certificate? Before that, we would have to know about certain facts regarding the RHCE Certification. RHCE - It is Red Hat Certified Engineer which trains your skills such as system administration and configuring a server. To do this certification you should earn Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) certificate. It is the second level in the Red Hat certification program. This certification teaches you about the configuration of a server. If you are interested to enter the IT sector without programming skills, RHCE certification is one of the best ways. Several centers train the RHCE course in India, but make sure that you have joined an authorized center. You can check those details on the Red Hat official website.  Exam Fee  RHCE fee for training might vary at each center. Some might pay about $100 as a training fee, actually, it was during an offer period. I have heard that some RHCE training centers charge about $250. RHCE training period is considered to be 2 months and within this, you would be able to gain expertise in this field. The exam fee is about $150 with one attempt.  Training Tuition fee - $250 Approx  The exam fee would be about Approx $150 with one attempt. The exam fee also varies slightly. All the above details I mentioned are for Red Hat 6.  Exam Examination  The RHCE exam is not a theoretical examination. This examination will be similar to your practice exams. A score of 210 out of 300 will be considered as pass. There will be 20 questions and the exam evaluation is completely different. You would be in trouble even if you would be leaving even a single question unanswered. Everyone student will have different opinions on this exam. RHCE exam will be easier than the RHCSA exam but many students fail this exam for silly reasons.  Certificate validity  RHCE certification validity is believed to be about 3 years or valid till the next Red Hat version release, Suppose Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 has released then you need to redo the certification. So, once you earn an RHCE certificate you should enter a job in this domain and gain experience.  Certificate Salary  Salary for a fresher with an RHCE certificate will be about $60,000 to $70,000 per annum. While, if you have 3 or more years' experience you can earn above $90,000 per annum. This certificate is considered to be in great demand in foreign countries too. In countries like the USA, UK, Australia, and China this course has a high demand.  Common mistakes in RHCE exam  Usually, everyone would be repeating a common mistake in this exam. Here I have given some common mistakes in RHCE which I have heard through one of the trainees and also according to my own experience. Don't forget rebooting after completing all your questions. Don't forget to run "chkconfig on" and "service start" command. Do only what is given in the question. Don't act smart and do extra things. Try to complete a question in a single attempt. Reboot wherever necessary. Spend more time on guidelines. Now, if you wish to gain the Red Hat Certification, you are required to go through rigorous training, you are required to gain some good and reliable training courses. I would recommend you to check out the courses offered at the SPOTO Club.  
  • F5
    F5 Networks, Inc. is considered a global company that would specialize in application services as well as application delivery networking (ADN). F5 technologies are considered to be focused on the delivery, performance, and availability of web applications, as well as the availability of servers, cloud resources, data storage devices, and other networking components. F5 is headquartered in Seattle, Washington, with additional development, as well as sales/marketing offices worldwide. I would recommend that if you wish to make a career in the IT Industry, SPOTO Club’s prep courses would be a nice place, to begin with. Corporate history F5 Networks originally have been named F5 Labs, which have been established in 1996. The company name was inspired by the 1996 movie Twister, in which reference was made to the fastest as well as the most powerful tornado on the Fujita Scale: F5. F5's first product was a load balancer called BIG-IP, which was launched in 1997. When a server went down or became overloaded, the BIG-IP task was to direct the traffic away from that server to other servers that would be able to handle the load. In June 1999, the company had its initial public offering as well as was listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange with symbol FFIV. Competitors would have included Cisco Systems, until 2012, Citrix Systems, as well as Radware. François Locoh-Donou was replaced by John McAdam as president as well as CEO on April 3, 2017. BIG-IP F5's BIG-IP product family would comprise of hardware, modularized software, as well as virtual appliances that would be running the F5 TMOS operating system. Depending on the appliance which would be selected, one or more BIG-IP product modules could be added. These Offerings included: LTM (Local Traffic Manager): Local load balancing which was based on a full-proxy architecture. ASM (Application Security Manager): A web application based firewall. APM (Access Policy Manager): Providing access control as well as authentication for HTTP and HTTPS applications. AFM (Advanced Firewall Manager): On-premises DDoS protection, data center firewall. AAM (Application Acceleration Manager): through technologies like caching and compression. IPI (IP Intelligence): Blocking known bad IP addresses, prevention of phishing attacks as well as botnets. WebSafe: It would be helping the candidates to Protects against sophisticated fraud threats, client-less malware detection, leveraging advanced encryption as well as session behavioral analysis capabilities. BIG-IP DNS: Distributes DNS as well as application requests based user, network, and conditions of cloud performance. BIG-IP history On September 7, 2004, F5 Networks have released version 9.0 of the BIG-IP software in addition to appliances for running the software. Version 9.0 also marked the introduction of the company's TMOS architecture, with noteworthy enhancements which would be including: Moved from BSD to Linux for handling system management functions (disks, logging, bootup, console access, etc.) Creation of a TMM (Traffic Management Microkernel) for directly talk to the networking hardware as well as handle all network activities. Creation of the standard full-proxy mode, which would fully terminate the network connections at the BIG-IP as well as establishing new connections between the BIG-IP as well as the member servers in a pool. This would be allowing the candidates for optimum TCP stacks on both sides as well as the complete ability to modify traffic in either direction. BIG-IQ F5 describes the BIG-IQ as a framework for the management of the BIG-IP devices as well as application services, irrespective of their form factors (software, hardware or cloud) or deployment model (private/public, on-premises cloud or hybrid). So, if you wish to gain good and reliable study materials for the IT certifications, you could gain it offered by the SPOTO Club.
  • Huawei
    While Linux is an open-source operating system, Red Hat has been able to secure a hold on the market with its vendor-specific Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) system and various other technologies. Additionally, they have been able to develop highly regarded credentials to accredit one’s knowledge in their platforms and technologies. Unlike many certifications that allow professionals experienced in the field to self-study and pass relatively easily, Red Hat’s certification exams are notorious for rattling even the most skilled professionals. Before we get to the answer, it is important that we discuss certain details about both the Certification Programs. For anyone who would be interested in developing a platform-specific understanding of Linux or is already working around Red Hat products, the Red Hat System Administration certification path is considered to be an ideal choice, but not an easy one though. Though you could have some good and reliable prep courses like offered by the SPOTO Club.  RHCSA: RED HAT CERTIFIED SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR Red Hat Certified System Administrator otherwise known as RHCSA is the entry-level certification related to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) system. This certification validates the skills needed to install, configure and administer RHEL. There are no prerequisites for this course and training is not required, however, the exam is a strenuous performance-based test with a high failure rate on the first attempt – so training is highly recommended. The RHCSA exam code is EX200 and the format is a 2.5-hour hands-on lab. If you are attempting the RHCSA exam with a background in Windows system administration, it is suggested to take the following courses: Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) Red Hat System Administration II (RH134) If you are attempting the exam with a Linux or Unix administration background, then the following course is recommended: RHCSA Rapid Track Course (RH199) RHCE: RED HAT CERTIFIED ENGINEER Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) is RHEL’s mid to advanced level certification. This credential would be building on the knowledge accredited through RHCSA and would be focusing on advanced RHEL topics like security. RHCSA is considered to be a prerequisite for the certification but training isn’t required. Just like RHCSA, the exam is extremely difficult so training is highly recommended, in addition to, relevant real-world experience with Linux essentials, administration, networking, and security. The exam code for RHCE is EX300 and the format is a 3.5-hour hands-on lab. Before attempting the RHCE exam, it is recommended to take the following courses: Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) Red Hat System Administration II (RH134) Red Hat System Administration III (RH254) RHCE has boomed the industry of IT over the past few years. RHCE is considered to be a high-level certification that isn’t easy to acquire. RHCE Certified individuals would be capable to resolve day to day issues, challenges, risks in an efficient manner that would be optimizing the business processes, operations as well as therefore performance. RHCE certification has limited time validity, which is currently about 3 years. The validity of RHCE is considered to be dependent upon the Enterprise Product Available Commercially at the time of your certification. Earlier, it was considered to be valid for 2 full releases after the release of the version on which you have taken the examination. RHCE certification policy would be demanding that the Certified Professionals have to retain their status and value. For re-certification, you would be needed to keep practicing the skills you would be possessing already, to pass the exam again. RHCE Certification all alone cannot do a miracle. Success is considered to be all dependent upon the individual personality traits and how much you have invested in yourself to make you be prominent in the league. So work on your skills, weaknesses, abilities, strengths, as well as overall development. If you wish to clear this exam, it would be nice if you obtain some good and reliable study dumps, like the SPOTO Club is offering.
  • Cisco
    RHCSA or Red Hat Certified System administration RHCSA exam is formulated for testing the skills and knowledge which would be required as common in area of Linux Administration, RHCSA exam is required to be qualified before giving next level RHCE or Red Hat Certified Engineer exam, this certification is one of the most Reputed IT certifications; chances of getting a good job will be increased after you earn the certification. But, if you wish to gain this certification, you are required to have some good training courses, like that offered at the SPOTO Club. Why do you want to go for RHCSA certification? RHCSA certification is a costly IT certification and requires lots of hard work and time, before going for this examination you must ask yourself –“why I want to go for the this RHCSA certification?” There are certain pros and cons related to RHCSA, infect every certification have some advantage and some limitations. Let us discuss them step by step: Pros: Some organizations consider RHCSA mandatory;, after earning the certificate, your CV will become more visible to recruiters. Red Hat system administration provides a good preparation material, after going through all of the curriculum modules, you will have a sound knowledge of RHEL systems from basics to advanced level. If you are already an experienced person in Linux Administration even then going through this examination process you will improve your confidence level and will be able to validate your skills and expertise. Although some other vendors would be also providing Linux certifications for instance. LPIC or CompTIA Linux+, RHCSA is considered to be the most reputed and recognized certification. Red Hat Enterprise Linux hat certified Engineer RHCE Cons: RHCSA will not solve any purpose for fresher, before going for the certification you must have experience of at least 2-3 yrs. Earning RHCSA certificate is not the Job Guarantee, you have to understand that after you earn RHCSA doesn’t mean that you will get golden opportunities in the IT Industry; still, you need to work hard. RHCSA isn’t considered as the replacement of experience, although earning RHCSA will validate your Linux skills recruiter always ask for “what you know “instead of “what you have?”. Sometimes you are not able to crack the exam in the first attempt, so you have to pay examination fee again to go for the second attempt, you have to take that risk. Examination Scenario of RHCSA Certification RHCSA certification is also known as EX200, the duration of this exam is 2:30 hours. This is like your college practical examination i.e. you have to perform practices during the examination a no theory will be there. Generally, the candidate has to attend 20 questions of a maximum of 300 marks. Scoring a minimum of 210 out of 300 is considered as qualified. It is important to note that every participant will have a different set of question papers, so getting the clue from a neighbor during the examination will take you to the wrong track. The result of the examination will be sent to you by email within 7 days. Common mistakes you should avoid in RHCSA exam There are some important things which you keep in mind so that you can avoid some common mistakes: Do not forget to reboot the system after completion of every question. Always start services and chkconfig before you reboot. Complete the first question in the first attempt before the switch to the next question. Do not be in a hurry and read every question carefully. Do not over attempt or perform extra activities, stay focuses. So, now you have acquired all the knowledge about the RHCSA Certification and if you wish to pursue it, you should gain the prep courses open source and file systemswhich are being offered at the SPOTO Club.
  • Huawei
    HCIE R&S lab Certification Since one would be having an account at Huawei’s site, quite comprehensive as well as understandable information about a process that is considered to be able to find easily. Above all, there would be no specific requirements to deal with before and HCIE R&S journey becomes available: As to a process, it would be containing three stages with the overall price of $1500: Most of them are considered to be reachable via the webpage of Huawei – HCIE R&S Certificate. Talking of documentation as well as running vaguely forward the software known for every Huawei network engineer – HEDeX (Huawei Electronic Documentation Explorer) is considered to be freely available during a Lab exam, thus to be familiar with that tool is considered quite significantly increasing a chance to quickly to cope a tricky task. Fortunately, Huawei intensely would be continuing to harden its position in Russia as well as aims the weakest part of their presence – the belief that software and hardware aren’t worth to be trusted. The source of such uncertainty would be the engineers themselves. I dare say, it is considered to be a great move that vendor C understood years ago. Engineers are those who would be easily arguing against a vendor as well as those whose arguments would be having solid weight during the decision process. Building an army of engineers as well as they would be bringing you a piece of cake for free! To sum it up, the Huawei Certification would be proposed free vouchers for any exam, which would be including labs as well as interviews, for selected partners. Hard to believe, but I wouldn’t excited to take a free seat as well as delayed the real preparation for a few months. Thus, if you would be preparing for the HCIE R&S Certification, you should gain a good and reliable study dumps, which are being offered at the SPOTO Club. Preparation As I been noticed that there would be no theoretical questions during Lab, the main focus of preparation would be taking the practical exercises, which would be able to sharpen CLI monkey skills. Once you would be able to write a whole configuration of a task or even section in a notepad the edge been crossed. Once you would be able to finish any mock exam within 3-4 hours without any interactions with Hedex or answers, you are done with HCIE labs. I would strongly recommend spending hours on the HCIE-R&S Elite Training-Mock Lab 1&2 video course. Tens of useful display commands, as well as an understanding of how to read tasks, would be an outcome. Format The HCIE lab is considered to be an 8 hours process plus up to 60 minutes break which would be available for lunch. You might reject to take lunch, but it isn’t going to add any additional time. I would be recommending taking a break as it helps to be not that exhausted at the end of the day. The countdown itself starting at 9:00 am so to be at a place a bit earlier is considered to be crucial. Proctor would be showing where the coffee rooms, as well as WC, are given a pen and a paper, switches on an air conditioner if you would be required as well as makes all others move to enhance your presence. Hence, if you wish to have the HCIE Routing and Switching Certification, you will have to clear the HCIE R&S Lab Exam, and for that, you are required to have lots of practical knowledge. For that, I would recommend you to gain the study dumps which are being offered at the SPOTO Club. Read more: Overview of Huawei HCIE-Routing and Switching Certification Exam What Does HCIA Stand for in Huawei? A Comprehensive Guide to Huawei Certification What jobs I can find if getting the Huawei certification? What is the salary of getting the Huawei certification?
  • Redhat
    Red Hat certifications are considered to be current for 3 years. These certifications do not "terminated," or become "expire" or "invalid," but they could become "non-current." Hence if you wish to change that, you should check out the below options. Also, if you wish to pursue this certification, you would be required to go through lots and lots of study dumps, like that provided by the SPOTO Club. Options for keeping certifications current It is considered to be quite critical for IT professionals to apply their knowledge and skills regularly for staying fresh. They must also remain current with new as well as revised technologies. Red Hat policies for RHCPs would be ensuring they meet these expectations. Find out how you can keep it current Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) RHCSA is considered to be the core of all of our system administration credentials. Keeping your RHCSA current by completing one of the following: Passing the RHCSA (Red Hat Certified System Administrator) exam again. Earning your RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer) certification by clearing the Red Hat Certified Engineer exam (EX300) as a current RHCSA. Passing any of the exams an RHCE could be applied towards earning RHCA (Red Hat Certified Architect) while still a current RHCE. Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) Keeping your RHCE certification current by the completion of one of the following: Earning your RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer) certification by passing the Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 7 versions of the RHCE exam (EX300) as a current RHCSA. Earning your RHCE certification by clearing the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 version of the RHCE exam (EX294) as a current RHCSA. Clearing any of the exams an RHCE could apply toward becoming an RHCA (Red Hat Certified Architect) in Infrastructure while still a current RHCE. Red Hat OpenStack’s RHCSA (Red Hat Certified System Administrator) Keeping the RHCSA in Red Hat OpenStack certification current by the completion of one of the following: Clearing the RHCSA (Red Hat Certified System Administrator) in the Red Hat OpenStack exam (EX210) again. Clearing the RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer) in the Red Hat OpenStack exam (EX310) as a current RHCSA in Red Hat OpenStack as well as earning the RHCE in Red Hat OpenStack certification. Red Hat OpenStack’s RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer) The RHCE in Red Hat OpenStack could only be kept current by clearing the RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer) in the Red Hat OpenStack exam (EX310) again while one’s RHCSA in Red Hat OpenStack is still considered to be current. If the RHCSA in Red Hat OpenStack is no longer current, then the RHCSA in Red Hat OpenStack exam is required to be cleared again. Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA) RHCA is considered to be Red Hat’s highest level of certification, and its requirements for staying current are quite demanding. An RHCA must be maintained by 5 eligible credentials beyond their RHCJD or RHCE, but that doesn’t consider to be necessarily maintaining mean the same 5 credentials earned. You could be earning a new Certificate of Expertise as well as allow a previously earned Certificate of Expertise to go non-current. If you would be earning more than 5 eligible credentials beyond RHCE or RHCJD, you earn a higher level of RHCA.Get more openstack exam dumps click there For example: If you would be earning 7 credentials beyond RHCE, you would be an RHCA Level III. If one of these would become non-current, then you would become an RHCA Level II. If you let another certification would become non-current, you would have 5 current certifications as well as would be an RHCA. If the number of eligible, current certifications would be going below 5, you would be able to lose your RHCA status, but it could be easily restored by either re-taking past exams or by taking new Certification of Expertise exams. So, now you know about the certification validity and about how to recertify them. Hence, if you wish to clear it, you should gain some good and reliable training courses like provided by the SPOTO Club.
  • F5
    The 101-Application Delivery Fundamentals exam is the first exam required to achieve the F5 Certified BIG-IP Administrator status. All candidates are required to take this exam to move forward in the program. On completing the 101-Application Delivery Fundamentals exam successfully, it would be acknowledging the skills as well as understanding necessary for the day-to-day management of Application Delivery Networks (ADNs). Before we discuss the Guide in detail, if you wish to make a career in the IT certification, you should gain the study dumps offered at the SPOTO Club Section 1 – OSI Application Delivery Fundamentals The first section of the exam would be concentrating on some basic networking concepts, working up the OSI model from the bottom. This section would be worth 33% of the total test score. Objective 1.01 – Explaining, comparing and contrasting the OSI layer OSI Model Wiki Another OSI Model Overview   Objective 1.02 – Explaining technologies and protocols specific to the data-link layer ARP ARP on F5 MAC Address Broadcast Domain VLANs Link Aggregation Wiki Big IP Link Aggregation Objective 1.03 – Explaining apply and protocols technologies specific to the network layer Routing on F5 TCP/IP Overview IP Addressing & Subnetting Routing Protocols IP Packet Fragmentation IP TTL (Time to Live) Objective 1.04 – Explaining the functionality and features of technologies and protocols specific to the transport layer MTU / MSS TCP Functionality TCP Connection Setup by Virtual Server Type TCP Profile Settings (Tunables) UDP Functionality UDP Profile Settings (Tunables) TCPDUMP on F5 Objective 1.05 – Explaining the functionality and features of technologies and protocols specific to the application layer Application Layer Traffic Management on F5 HTTP Functionality HTTP Status Codes HTTP Headers F5 HTTP White Paper DNS Functionality DNS Record Types SIP Functionality F5 SIP White Paper FTP Functionality SMTP Functionality HTTP Cookies My Name is URL Section 2 – F5 Solutions and Technology In this section, we would be gaining into the actual F5 Solutions. Most engineers taking this exam would be experiencing with LTM and iRules, but little else. Hopefully, the familiarity gained from the F5 datasheets as well as white papers which would be shown at their web pages and would help you to understand the breadth of the F5 offerings. You would be preparing to take the first step into a larger world. This section would be also worth 33% of the total test score. Objective 2.01 – Articulating the role of F5 products Access Policy Manager (APM) Application Security Manager (ASM) Local Traffic Manager (LTM) Global Traffic Manager (GTM) Enterprise Manager (EM) WAN Optimization Manager (WOM) Web Accelerator ARX File Virtualization F5 White Papers F5 Datasheets Objective 2.02 – Explaining the purpose, advantages, and use of iRules iRule Wiki (Requires Devcentral Login) Objective 2.03 – Explaining the purpose, advantages, and use of apps iApp Wiki (Requires Devcentral Login) Objective 2.04 – Explaining the purpose, advantages, and use of iControl iControl Wiki (Requires Devcentral Login) Objective 2.05 – Explaining the function of and utilize cases for full proxy and packet-based architectures/packet forwarding. Full Proxy Architecture (Lori MacVittie rules!) Packet-Based vs Full Proxy SNAT Auto Last Hop Virtual Server Types Objective 2.06 – Explaining the configurations and advantages of high availability (HA) F5 HA Basics Config Sync Big IP HA Features Mirroring VLAN Failsafe So there you would be having it. Everything you would be needed to clear the F5 Application Delivery Fundamentals exam, and probably more. If you would be using this study guide, you would also require gaining some good training courses, like that offered at the SPOTO Club, to ease up your study process.    
  • Cisco
    Introduction to HPE6-A41 Exam HPE6-A41exam comprises sixty questions. It is a proctored exam that tests the knowledge that a person has regarding the features, benefits, and roles of networking components as well as Aruba technologies used in the architecture of Aruba Mobile First. The exam also tests whether an individual is capable of implementing and validating basic secure wireless as well as wired networks while using ArubaOS switches, different technologies, CLI, and Aruba IAPs. Additionally, the HPE6-A41 test is intended to measure whether an individual is able to manage and monitor a particular network using AirWave. If you wish to acquire this certification, you should gain the study dumps, like that offered by the SPOTO Club. HPE6-A41 Exam Prerequisites Individuals who want to take this exam must complete the training and review all learning materials relevant to the HPE6-A41 exam before they take it. Candidates should also ensure that they adhere to the recommendations provided in the preparation guide for the HPE6-A41 exam. It is also recommended to complete the respective training course for this exam. Preparation Courses for HPE6-A41 Exam There are many courses forHPE6-A41 exam which can be accessed through the Internet. These courses are intended to equip the candidates with profound knowledge and technical expertise essential for passing the HPE6-A41 exam. An individual can get preparatory courses in different forms like series tutorials, PDFs, videos, etc. Even though there are many preparations courses for the HPE6-A41 exam available online, just a few are recommended for the candidates waiting to take this exam. Reliable preparation courses are highly recommended as they will provide candidates with knowledge as well as skills regarding Aruba switching fundamentals for Mobility thus helping them to score good grades inHPE6-A41exam.SPOTO Club also advises the candidates to use other studying resources such as paper guides and exam dumps among others because the contents of the preparatory course alone can’t ensure that they will excel in the exam. It’s strongly recommended to use several sources of preparation material before the exam. Tips and Tricks to Excel in HPE6-A41 Exam SPOTO Club advises the individuals to study the training course thoroughly in order to have the information tested in the HPE6-A41 exam. They should also review all course documents as well as materials available before they sit the exam. Candidates should get the exam dumps that are relevant to the HPE6-A41 exam and utilize them properly. The dumps will make them conversant with the questions they expect to encounter in the main exam and how to approach and answer questions correctly. Candidates should involve themselves in hands-on practices as the items of the exam are mostly based on the knowledge an individual is expected to acquire from the job experience. Candidates should ensure they eat good meals prior to taking the exam. An empty stomach during the exam is likely to impair an individual’s thinking capacity. Meals rich in protein are highly recommended as they will provide candidates with sufficient energy for taking them through the exam session. Candidates are advised to read the preparation guide for the HPE6-A41 exam and follow its guidelines and recommendations appropriately. Candidates should look for HPE recommended guide books, study guides, and practice tests specially produced to facilitate proper HPE6-A41 exam preparation. Candidates should carry out their studies in an atmosphere that is free from distractions. Candidates should allocate adequate time for their studies. And finally, candidates are advised to answer the exam questions starting with the simplest ones. This will help them to avoid any delays and complete the exam on time. Now, if you follow the above mentioned strategies and acquire the SPOTO Club’s Aruba Certification Boot Camp. They will help you out on your bumpy journey of being certified with Aruba Certification.